Leupold 8.5-25x50mm Long Range: Target vs M1?


New Member
Jan 20, 2003
i was thinking about buying a new scope.
The “Leupold Vari-X III 8.5-25x50mm Long Range” scope seems to be a good one for its price, or?
I saw now that it had been released a new model “M1”, what is the difference from “Target”?
Is it just the “dials” that Is changed? And are the M1´s that much better?
Would a “newbie” like me notice any difference between Target and M1?

I have never owned a scope with windage and elevation dials before so if you could help me with this I would be very grateful.

One other thing, does anyone know a cheep online store that sells Leupold? In Sweden the Leupold “Vari-X III 8.5-25x50mm Long Range M1” costs 1700$!!!!!

Thanks in advance!!!
Welcome to Long Range Hunting!

I prefer the M1 turrets on my scopes, they're much quicker to use and you don't need to worry anout mis-placing the caps.

$1,700 for a 8.5x25 seems a little pricey, better to fly over here and get one.

One thing about the non-M1 turrets with caps, you won't need to worry about the adjustments moving while in transit... this is rare but it does happen if things get to bumping into one another. Even if it does happen, it's easy to rest the M1's, but it's a consideration.
Another thing to consider is the M1 is a Tactical scope and is only offered with a mil-dot reticle. The Target style gives you a choice of target dot or fine duplex if that makes a difference.
Thanks for your replies.

Dave King: Does the target sight use
Leupolds site:
Adjustments info

Dont the "target" turrets function just like
the "M1" exept the that the "M1" has much better
scales and can be zeroed after sighting-in?

How much is a "8.5-25x50mm Long Range M1" in the US?
I found alot of Target models for like 750$.
Only page with the "M1" i found was:

where it went for 839$.

The M1 turrets are without caps, as displayed second from the bottom on the web page you posted. The standard target turrets and the M1 turrets are adjustable and have graduation marks. Both can be reset to the "zero" mark after sight-in.

There is little difference in the adjustment between the target and M1 turrets. The is a cap over the target turrets, the M1 version has no cap. The revolution counter on the M1 model is a bit easier to read than the one on the standard turrets, not too much different though.

Premier reticle http://www.premierreticles.com/ can put nearly any reticle you want in in the 8.5 x 26 Long Range and can install the M1 caps if the scope is without them. The price should be very good, I don't know about shipping or sales to Sweden...

I have bought 4 scopes from

over the last 2 years. I always found them an excellent company to deal with.

Unfortunatly last month they informed me that they can no longer export riflescopes due to Department of Defence restrictions.
Maybe the Rep. of Ireland is the only country on this restriction list.

You might check with [email protected] and see what the current position is.

An option that I am investigating at the moment is buying a 6x42 (30mm tube) tacticle from IOR - Valdada direct from Rumanian.

To see an American website for IOR Valdada check out

To contact IOR-Valdada directly in Rumania email Dan ISTODOR at

[email protected]

To see the manufacturers web page view

In terms of web commerce the seem to be about 5 years behind everybody else.

Kindest regards

M1 or Target Turrets - both are reliable and accurate, probably to about the same degree. Not sure if the innards are the same as used in MK4's (Leupold's toughest tactical scope) but the dials are very similar.

Biggest difference is ergonomics, the M1's feel better, easier to manipulate, feel stouter, don't need caps as they are very well sealed. M1 pretty much restricts you to mildots (except for the duplex in the 3.5-10 & 4-14). Long Range Target offers a fine duplex or target dot.
I believe that once you use M1's you will stay with them.
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