Kreiger or Bartlein

Old Coach

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2008
I want to rebbl my 7STW Rem 700 SS
I have finally decided to go back with the same cal. in a 28" bbl.
I have narrowed the choices to Kreiger and Bartlein in 5R.
What twist for 140s?
Which bbl is better?
Would you let the bbl maker install the bbl?
Flutted or not?
What finish for a hunting rifle?

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I think a 9twist would be good, and you could shoot the heavier bullets too... They both make great barrels and are top quality and you wont go wrong with either!
I want to rebbl my 7STW Rem 700 SS
I have finally decided to go back with the same cal. in a 28" bbl.
I have narrowed the choices to Kreiger and Bartlein in 5R.
What twist for 140s?
Which bbl is better?
Would you let the bbl maker install the bbl?
Flutted or not?
What finish for a hunting rifle?


Now that Kreiger is making 5r barrels gunsmith ordered me a 30cal 1/11.25 twist for a 300WSM and I'm having a Bartlein 5r 1/10 twist 7mm for the 280AI.

I think Bartlein/Kreiger are good barrels and the owners of Bartlein use to work for Kreiger. Bartlein I think is about 6/8 months behind not sure about Kreiger as to them installing barrel never had anything done by either so hard to comment big question would be how long? Kreiger will only do SS starting at # 5 countour above 270 even if you had the barrel fluted 28" long barrel be pretty heavy.

As to twist I decided on the 1/10 for my next 280AI don't plan on shooting over 150gr bullets. Well good luck
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I just ordered a bartlein 5r gainer for my 300 Sherman. Frank, at Bartlein told me that the .308's and 6.5's are 4-5 mo. out and less popular are longer. Everbody knows Kriegers are good, but I've heard some really good things about Bartlein as well. They are an up and comer in the benchrest world. I think a 9 twist would be a good choice and as far as fluted vs non, it depends on how important weight is to you. I know "none" of the benchresters use fluted barrels and I've heard that there is always potential for warping if the process isn't done correctly. Probably splitting hairs as far as a hunting rifle goes? Good luck with your project.....Rich
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