is 6mm-284win a good caliber for woodchuck


Nov 28, 2003
I'm thanking of rebarreling my 243 700rem action.I would like to know if the 6mm-284 will be a good killer from 200yrds to 1000yrds? What would be the best barrel length, and the right twist? I'm looking at sierra bullets [1] 100gr sbt [2] 107mk? I'll be using this for woodchuck contests and for long range fun on the chucks.Iwould like to kill them but not do alot of damage on them. thanks for your help.

[ 11-30-2003: Message edited by: MRC ]

[ 11-30-2003: Message edited by: MRC ]
I'm thanking of rebarreling my 243 700rem action.I would like to know if the 6mm-284 will be a good killer from 200yrds to 1000yrds? What would be the best barrel length, and the right twist? I'm looking at sierra bullets [1] 100gr sbt [2] 107mk? I'll be using this for woodchuck contests and for long range fun on the chucks.Iwould like to kill them but not do alot of damage on them. thanks for your help.

I have a 6/284. I love it...If you are building one to shoot at long distances, try to barrel it with the highest BC bullet that is made...Berger 105's/115, Sierra 107's,,,etcc...BC's over .55...Real good.

Barrel mine is a 28" 1:8 Twist Krieger. I have over 1250 Rounds through it. Still shooting .25MOA.

You will hear alot of people refer to this cartridge as a barrel burner...Well it is...My recommedation, shoot the big bullets at about 3150fps...especially the Berger 105...Should extend the barrel life alittle, still getting good accuracy

Let me know if you have any questions.
Also look at the AI versions of the 243Win and 6mmRem. The AI 6mm Rem is going to be withing spitting distance of the 284 and cheaper to run - may also feed from your mag.

Both of these improved cases will get within 50fps and use less powder, have better barrel life and cheaper brass.

Jerry is quite correct. The 243 AI will in most cases duplicate what the 6/284 will do.

I do not have any experiece with a 6mmRem AI.

between the 243 AI and 6/284. I personnaly think the 6/284 is more accurate...but that is my opinion.

[ 12-01-2003: Message edited by: xring01 ]

Take a look at Richard Franklin's website - WWW.RICHARDSCUSTOMRIFLES.COM I am going to have my gun rebarreled to a 6AI 10 twist for 87 vmax running 3600 to 3700 f/s Richard's guys are doing well out to 1000 yds with this setup. The 87 vmax will blow up at any distance, the 105 to 107 tend to drill thru at long range you hit but they get to the hole. I am going to go this route.

I have to agree with the 6mmAI...

I have one Rem SA ( LA would be better ) 30" Kreiger 8 twist...

105 bergers at 3200 and room to spare... my accuracy is at 3150 to 3200...

Very very accurate with several bullets but bergers really shine .. ( see photo )

Here is a size comparison fo a 22-250, 243AI, 6mmAI and a 308....

the only reason for a 6mm/284 would be brass selection

[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: *WyoWhisper* ]
The short answer to this question is “yes”

However, the longer answer and at the risk of sounding repetitive, I suggest the 243 Win AI is a better option. I have owned a 6/284 on a 1/8” twist barrel which I found to be very accurate and successfully used on prairie dogs out to 1000 yards. However, I was never convinced it could do anything more than the 243 AI in practical terms.

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