How far is this setup lethal?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
Let's take out the ethics of long range shooting and hunting and talk only about the killing power. Everyone always seems to have different ideas about ft/lbs, fps, frontal area, etc.

How far do YOU think this .284 cup and core setup is lethal? Like I said, this is in a vacuum, not on the real world.


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A 22lr can be lethal out to a mile-- dead is dead but there can be suffering involved .

Once again, this is a subjective question based on what the individual considers to be ethical --

I guess the question for you is what do you consider to be the minimum velocity/energy you would use to kill
A 22lr can be lethal out to a mile-- dead is dead but there can be suffering involved .

Once again, this is a subjective question based on what the individual considers to be ethical --

I guess the question for you is what do you consider to be the minimum velocity/energy you would use to kill
All valid points. That's why I said "for you". And it's not a 22, it's a .284. ;)

Maybe take the yards out because gues get hung up on it and just look at ballistics. Ft/lbs, fps, frontal surface.
This is the thread that got me thinking. Nobody is saying it was too far. But universally, everyone is saying the ballistics weren't there for that shot. My question is ballistics related, not pure yardage.

All valid points. That's why I said "for you". And it's not a 22, it's a .284. ;)

Maybe take the yards out because gues get hung up on it and just look at ballistics. Ft/lbs, fps, frontal surface.
Oh, well in that case--- many years ago my hunters ed teacher told me a 7rm can kill out to 7 miles. 😜
This seems like a personal "ethical how far" question to me. Ask a hundred people get a hundred answers.
Oh, well in that case--- many years ago my hunters ed teacher told me a 7rm can kill out to 7 miles. 😜
This seems like a personal "ethical how far" question to me. Ask a hundred people get a hundred answers.
I think we had the same teacher. Mine was a 22lr tho! I want to say it was a mile though.
I've seen an antelope take at 865 yards with a 210 VLD with similar ballistics. The 210 VLD hit at 1956 velocity and 1785 ft-lbs. The bullet hit 3" above the heart. The bullet did not exit and the antelope dropped in it's tracks. Internal damage was moderate. I think that was about the limit of what I would want to see performance wise. That would equate to 800~1000 yards on the cart above.
Seriously, I've watched a lot of Youtube and read a bunch of quality information presented on gun forums.

Velocity needs to be 1800fps and energy 1400ftlbs.

So, just have those two numbers, or close to it, and you can drop anything in North America. Seriously.
This is the thread that got me thinking. Nobody is saying it was too far. But universally, everyone is saying the ballistics weren't there for that shot. My question is ballistics related, not pure yardage.

Depends on if you go off of energy or not. I go off the 1500 ft/lbs energy and 1800 fps impact velocities for elk. Around 1100 ft/lbs for deer. So say 950 yards on elk and a little over 1300 yards for deer. If we lived in a bubble.

Update: sorry I missed the velocity on deer. Probably just over 1100 yards on deer.
If there's the opportunity, at 1K and in, I'd take it. 1K yards is a long poke, assuming you're practiced, assuming the animal isn't disturbed and unaware. There's a lot time to set up the shot, after 600+ yards. A hasty long range shot, isn't the best idea, but the last day of a season, can change things dramatically.

As far as "ethics" is concerned, your ethics are yours and yours alone. Mine are mine and mine alone. You don't make yours mine. I won't make mine yours and we can live happily ever after.