help me with savage 11FCNS


Active Member
Aug 15, 2011
newbie here.

this rifle in a 300 wsm looks to be my choice for a entry level gun. looking for a 6-800 yard rifle.

it has the accutrigger and the accustock.

help me out with opinions and guidance. does the accustock still need to be bedded?

i'm planning on using my leupold 30mm vx3 4.5x14x40

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Yes that's a great caliber. As far as bedding and accurizing it, I wouldn't at first. I would work up some loads and see what it likes then if your not happy take the next steps.
You will likely not even notice a difference in that rifle by glass bedding it, its already solid, my opinion is a 26" sendero contour brux or shilen barrel and a bell and carlson medalist A2 after you've had some fun with the factory pencil barrel, although I'm sure it will shoot .75 moa or better as is.
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