HEAVY DUTY gun rack suggestions for ATV use.

window licker

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
My coyote guns are from 9-18 pounds, looking for a suggestion as to a rack available, that will handle that kindbof weight.
When you say atv, do you mean quad or side by side? I’m assuming quad. I like my kolpin gunboots. I used to use one on my kodiak. I have one for my ranger now. I also have a great day over head rack I’m impressed with for my general though.
Looking for a rack that goes on a quad. Not a fan of a gun boot on a quad, tends to lessen escape routes in the event of a rollover
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I’ve also used the simple u shaped ones that mount to the racks. Made by kolpin too I believe. They held securely and I’d be comfortable putting my 50bmg in em but I didn’t like slinging mud all over my rifles.
I only use the quad for coyotes from november to early January, mud isnt really a problem. I will look at the kolpin, thanks.
I have the Koplin Ratcheting Rino Grips on my ATVs. One of my rifles is 10-12 lbs and I haven't had any issues with it not keeping my guns secured.
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