Gun tipped over on bench! scope broke?

5" knocked it off? I had a rifle fall from the top of bleachers during a match and it held zero. That's nuts that it was 4 inches off after a 5 inch fall. If you rezero it's probably fine, but I would not trust a scope that loses zero from something so insignificant. It needs to be either warrantied or thrown away.
Hmm well I have an old Leupold and it's been knocked over a couple of times. What part of the scope took a hit? In any case like the others who are very knowledgeable said rezero and do a tracking test. Before that check your mount/ rings screws. I'd even check the action screws to rule that out. That's the only way to tell if there is a problem. Not sure why you'd think people would say Leupolds are junk. Lots of people here use them.
I disagree you stated in a previous post that I baby my equipment. That my friend was an assumption.
Reread. I was making a point. Obviously you felt it was a different situation or you would not be asking. If this drop were no different than the last five years why are you asking the question(this is rhetorical, we don't need an answer)?Good luck with your scope.
I have been thinking about it and I should have simplified my question.
Can A scope be knocked out of zero and not be damaged internally?
Yes! A few years ago, I was hunting with my son's -06 topped with a Leupold VX-II 3-9 and Leupold rings. I slipped on a muddy trail, landed on my arse, and dented the front bell. Cleaned off the mud and harvested a muley doe at 250Y. When I got home, I rechecked zero and no required adjustments. I asked my son if I should send it back to Leupold for inspection/repair, and he said, "no, Dad, it adds character to my rifle" - that was 17 years ago, and he harvested many wild games with it.
Yep Feenix.....he can always say.."that dent...ya..thats my dad's fault"....memories......

I had mishap with rifle falling out of my sand bags this summer...
off sands bags..front and back..hit shooting table..then the drop to the ground.. 2.5'...landing on Leupold scope....
****ed at myself...
Running low on bullets..reworking loads into two 65284s...
It did move impact at 100yds..maybe 4"....serious thumping....
Moved my turrets back and forth a few times..reset to previous and like a miracle it shot back to original holes........very lucky....
Last Thursday I watched my VX6 fall from my SxS and land directly on the elevation turret. It was in a soft case but it took quite a fall. I took it out Friday and fired two shots, both landing exactly where they should. I hunted with it yesterday and had zero worries about its performance.
I leaned my rifle upright and it immediately fell over on the NF on 1.5" gravel. It nicked the bell and both turrets pretty good as well as two places on the UL7 suppressor. As I was just checking velocities shooting at clods in the yard I noticed the zero was way off. We will see what happens when I take it to the range. I'm hoping it tracks fine.
Nobody is coming to your aid. You must save your own rifle and junk scope! 😄

Seriously. Only you are gonna suss this out unless you want to mail it to one of us to confirm zero. I wouldn't keep a scope that couldn't maintain zero after such a light strike. (Your rifle sounds really sweet, those listed components are top tier)
It might not even be the scope you might have a loose action screw and the action shifted in the bedding when it fell on the table. The only way you will be able to address the problem is trial and error. Most problems like this are something coming loose whether it be a screw with the stock, mount, ring or something inside the scope. Use process of elimination from easiest to hardest until you get the problem solved. Internet experts are rarely expert at anything but talking.
I had a weaver 3-10 tactical fall on the elevation turret from about 5" or so.
It knocked the turret off zero and put the clicks in between the hash marks. It tracked fine and held zero afterwards, then one day it fell over from standing up and the turret was knocked back to lining up with the hash marks again. Lol
Still have it..

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