Got a surprise from the UPS guy yesterday


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I thought I had posted this yesterday but apparently I got side tracked. Anyway I got a long box triangular in shape from Benchmark Barrels. its a #5 10 twist 26" finish .375 stainless tube. I ordered it about 6 weeks ago so I am very pleased with the turn around. So the 375 RUM will have a new barrel soon. I think I am going to have a Harrells radial brake put on it contoured to match the barrel. I am going to have the bolt Fluted and an M-16 style extractor installed. Then itll go tight back in the existing B&C alaskanII stock
I can't wait to see the finished product! Do you have some ideas on what sort loads you want to develop? I am very curious to see how your new setup performs.
Typically I would but I'm going to keep the bolt for sentimental reasons. That bolt was used to help kill my 21 1/2" black bear.

My load I plan to keep about the same as I have now. 270 tsx

Since you went with a 10 twist barrel, I figured you had something up your sleeve. Nevertheless, I am interested to see how your RUM shoots with the new barrel.

Speaking of which, Benchmark doesn't say much about themselves on their website. Do you know if their barrels are cut rifled or button rifled?
Since you went with a 10 twist barrel, I figured you had something up your sleeve. Nevertheless, I am interested to see how your RUM shoots with the new barrel.

Speaking of which, Benchmark doesn't say much about themselves on their website. Do you know if their barrels are cut rifled or button rifled?

I went with a 10 for the 5R rifling and I also might play with some big heavy CE bullets...however I plan on using the tsx as my main bullet.

My barrel is button, i heard at one time they do either but I dont know. My only experience with them is a 375h ruger I had built for my dad with a benchmark and it shoots and cleans wonderfully.
We run pull button barrels, all hand lapped. Look at the 260's from GS custom, they seem awesome! I still wanna do a 375wsm.
Benchmark Barrels
We run pull button barrels, all hand lapped. Look at the 260's from GS custom, they seem awesome! I still wanna do a 375wsm.
Benchmark Barrels

That would be interesting! I would love to see the results if you decide to proceed.
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