First WY lope


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
Well I got my first WY goat. Didn't have much time to hunt so was not very choosy. 423 yards 10mph wind with 308 and 180 AB. Fun hunt with my favorite hunting partner my wife.
Congrats! He's very healthy. I hope you enjoy the chow. I had me some pronghorn loin chops the other day and it could've passed as veal beef.
Thanx fellas! Had tenderloins that night. Very hot we took a cooler on SXS with Ice and had him cooling quickly. The goats are rutting hard now and it makes them harder to hunt cause the bigger bucks are running does and not staying put long enough to stalk them. We watched a pretty good buck run a doe at full speed for miles in a circle and told my wife if he drops dead Ill just tag him. lol

Public land. We got him up to the sxs and butchered him. Funny a vehicle with OOS tags drove by us as we were on two track and never stopped to say boo or anything. I was going to be nice and point a few out as we had been watching well over 100 with at least 20 bucks in this valley. We finished up and left and caught up to them as it was a fairly rough road and he would not let me pass. I think he thought I shot it on the road and didn't want me to go ahead of him. lol. Had they stopped and laid glass to the valley they would have been in the biscuts. Oh well hopefully they go home and don't come back. I dont mean that for everyone!

Oh ya the horn isnt broke as you can tell by the shadow. He was a little odd and that met his demise. One curved back and one in.
Good shooting! I was in Alberta last year with my buddy who shot the front hoof off a nice buck in a hefty wind at 275 yards. An antelope can cover a lot of distance on three good legs.
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