First time test loads


Jun 4, 2012
I'm looking for expert advice as a first timer. I have just loaded, and tested my first test rounds in a 7mm-08 TC Pro Hunter, Bergara barrel. I will be loading for 300 RUM soon, as I am having a build I'm expecting by the end of this month.

The break action I know is not a long range action, but possibly a good starting tool? This gun will not shoot any factory loaded ammo well, with a 2" 100 yd. average, and POI changes with factory loads.

My first loads ever were loaded with a moderate charge, 44 gr H414, 210 primers, new Rem cases, 139 gr. SST's. I determined that the factory loads are .135 off the lands in this gun. I loaded 6 rounds each at 4 different seating depths. .013, .045 .070, .106 off lands. I was surprised with a dramatic increase in accuracy, and POI consistency from group to group. The best being the shortest OAL, set back .106 off lands. I got a 3 shot .553, and a 3 shot .997 group. Exactly the opposite of what I expected, and was the last load I tested. I had expected the loads set closer to the lands to do better. I'm using an RCBS FL 2 die set, and think concentricity could be factoring in, as well.

I would appreciate any advice as to technique, strategy, and direction from here forward, as I know now that after my first experience I'll not be shooting factory loads anymore. I was pleasantly surprised with the first loadings, and see that things are going in a much better direction.

My thought has been to select my components, find the correct seating depth, and then work the load out from there. Opinions I see here, and I've been lurking on this site lately vary greatly. I'd like to hear them all directly. All advice will be greatly appreciated, and all things will be seriously considered.

Thanks guy's
46-49grns of H4350 with CCI BR2s under a 140grn Nosler BT, .030" off the lands in necked down lake city brass has done the best for me. I load for several encores and contenders, and the are the most reliable and accurate with the FL die set to just barely bump the shoulder so it fits easy. Charge weight will depend on your rifle, but 1/2 to 3/4 inch groups are pretty easy to accomplish with the encores off the bench.
I typically start working up a load this way:

get a close charge weight, start with the bullet just kissing the lands and test bullets

find the bullet with the most promise and start working with your charge

increase charge until you find the accuracy node watching for pressure signs

start playing with seating depth to tweak your load.

benchrest shooter taught me his method. I watched him find his .11" five shot group in less than a couple hours.

I can't comment on the recipes however I haven't worked with either much.

46-49grns of H4350 with CCI BR2s under a 140grn Nosler BT, .030" off the lands in necked down lake city brass has done the best for me. I load for several encores and contenders, and the are the most reliable and accurate with the FL die set to just barely bump the shoulder so it fits easy. Charge weight will depend on your rifle, but 1/2 to 3/4 inch groups are pretty easy to accomplish with the encores off the bench.

Thanks, I think I see that reasonably good accuracy is possible with the Encore. I think I'll do a simple ladder test, after finding the bullet that does the best, and work it out from there best on best velocity range. I learned a rookie lesson yesterday with bullet seating, and shoved the shoulder way back, so I know not to back the seater plug out. I guess I should start with seater plug screwed down to avoid that happening again, and bump the shoulders with sizer die?
I typically start working up a load this way:

get a close charge weight, start with the bullet just kissing the lands and test bullets

find the bullet with the most promise and start working with your charge

increase charge until you find the accuracy node watching for pressure signs

start playing with seating depth to tweak your load.

benchrest shooter taught me his method. I watched him find his .11" five shot group in less than a couple hours.

I can't comment on the recipes however I haven't worked with either much.


Thanks for that bit of advice. I think that approach makes sense to me, and would let me get where I need to be with a minimal number of rounds sent down the tube.

I'll report back on how this method works out
I see from reading more on ladder testing that I may have inconclusive results at 200 yd. range from ladder testing. Any thoughts on this, or alternate approaches? If it would be worthwhile at 200 yds. what type of charge increments should I be using?
Ladder testing I just shoot two for each recipe out at 250 or 300yds. I increase by .2 to .3 grs. You will find your nodes and max load quickly.

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