First long range test with the 338 Allen Mag....


TO be honest, I have neve opened up a BAT Bolt face so I would have to look into it and see what would be needed as far as extractor work and fixure needed to chuck the bolt in the lathe.

Other then that it should work fine.

What receiver diameter do you have? I assume its larger then your barrel diameter or at least the same, just wondering. I would say the barrel you list would probably work but its getting pretty large depending on the diameter of your receiver.

Basically your receiver diameter is critical to determining how large and long of a barrel you can use with good results.

Kirby Allen(50)
Crow Mag,

SO far so good with the bullets. Pretty limited testing so far but they do not seem to be having any problem with holding together well. As soon as Richard gets his 338 bullets back on line I will be using his bullets instead of the SMK. The Wildcat Bullets have a much heavier jacket so any concerns about bullet failure at these speeds should be dramatically reduced.

Now Richard just needs his dies to make the bullets!!!

Kirby Allen(50)

Yes I agree, the critters in your area will be in serious trouble with your new hammer. Not sure on the wait for the BAT. Sometimes he meets his 4 month shipping time, at other times its 8 months, kind of a wait and see deal, hard to take I know /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif!!!!

Kirby Allen
Jon A,

Thought that would wake you up /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif!!!

Now I better make sure I actually have the 300 RUM reamer in the chuck????? Theres no belt on the reamer so its a pretty good bet its a 300 RUM??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Just kidding,

Kirby Allen(50)
Uncle B,

I hope to find out this weekend what she will do at +2000 yards. I think I have a place where I can set up at 2500 yards as well so I will have to see if I can get in there.

Yes, this steel works alright for longer ranges but anything under 1000 yards it starts to take a real pounding. Especially from the Wildcat hunting bullets. My 257 AM loaded with the 156 gr ULD RBBT to 3300 fps **** near punches though this plate at 800 yards. Small bores are always harder on plate steel though, especially when they weight 156 gr and start out at 3300 fps.

Are you serious about shipping me some better steel?

Let me know I would be very interested. Our local steel supplier is not the best at getting you want you want. Charges way more then he should also.

Let me know and I would be very interested.

Kirby Allen(50)
I have been wating for some of Richard 338 bullets for some time hope the dies come in before Elk season so I can work up a load
Crow Mag
"SERIOUS" UPS guaranteed me that you would be shooting the 338AM at it this weekend, and as long as you dont pull a goodgrouper (100yds). I seriously doubt that you'll even scratch the surface on this stuff. just paint it and your good to go. let me know how it works for you.
p.s. make sure you suspend it,there are two holes cut in it to run wires through. (the holes are cut with a plasma cutter because you cant drill this stuff)


Had I cut off the scrap off the right side of this plate which I was going to do and still plan on doing, I would have missed the plate totally! Still all four shots contacted steel.


[/ QUOTE ]


Very impressive results, and you are a much better shot than you give yourself credit for.

Now if I had tried something like that I would have had to go back to the tool shed and get the wire nippers, hammer and some lengths of wire to fix the dang fence that I shot off.

Four shots huh?? All contacting steel? Mine would have contacted steel also. I figure I would have cut at least two strands with that many tries.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Don't think I died, I've been following your work very closely, and there just isn't much to say. Awesome!!! Congratulations on that awesome rifle!
Would I be completely out of line if I ask you to read this?
Kirby your going to love the Gong B. is sending you. You'll be able to hear the gong ring well beyond 2000 yds. Of course you have to be patient when the sound takes 5 or 6 seconds to get back to you from that far. The 338 AM is definately going to make that sucker swing. Great work as usual. (Nice gesture by Uncle B as well) ----7mmRHB

Congratulations on the 338AM and how she is performing for you. When you get time, can you post more pictures. How about the video? Can you post that as well.

Take care,

Fifty, the barrel that I have on it now is a Hart 28" 1.250 tappered to 1.050 at the muzzle, so I believe the receiver is at least 1.450 or larger 1.550. By the way, awesome group with the 338 AM.

Crow Mag,

Believe me, Richard wants nothing more to get his dies back and have them actually work properly!!! There are alot of us waiting for 338 Wildcat Bullets!!

ITs not for Richards lack of trying to get the dies back though, he is more frustrated then anyone on this deal.

Kirby Allen(50)
Uncle B,

First off, you need to e-mail me the total for that plate so I can pay for it. If you do not I will take it off the price of the work I have in the shop for you so either way.

Second, thank you for your help. Have had alot of dealings with you, your family and your friends and all have been Extremely positive projects to say the least. I have had alot of fun and look forward to doing more project.

Hopefully some day we will all get together and make some noise with these big rigs!!

Thanks again, let me know what she costs via e-mail and we will settle up oen way or another!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
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