
I am far from being an expert, so I will defer to Glenn Zediker in his book "Handloading for Competition" he states; "fire forming should be done with a full power charge, not a "light" load. A light load won't get the job done."

There is more but I am a poor typist. I encourage others to check out his book, I have found it fun to read with a lot of good advice.
"What is the best method? Will corn meal work or is it detrimental to a fine match grade barrel?"

What are you fire forming, and in what chamber?

If by "fire forming" you mean any case in a firearm chambered for it, not reforming for a wildcat, make up a normal charge and shoot it. ??
I have always chosen a light load and then fired them at the range or out at rocks. I have never done the corn meal thing so I cant offer any advise there.
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