Error message at top of screen

It's happens on PC as well as iphone.
Interesting. I'm having zero issues on my computer on the same network as my iphone.

Windows 10, chrome browser.

For those observing, information about what you're using and various correlations are very helpful in diagnosing something like this.
Through a little deductive reasoning... I would say LRH is having a problem with its ads, or whatever is serving the ads.

I'm running an ad blocker on my PC. I'm not on my phone. My phone is having issue, my PC is not. Others are having issue on both. I bet others can confirm this as well, if they are not running ad blocker.
Through a little deductive reasoning... I would say LRH is having a problem with its ads, or whatever is serving the ads.

I'm running an ad blocker on my PC. I'm not on my phone. My phone is having issue, my PC is not. Others are having issue on both. I bet others can confirm this as well, if they are not running ad blocker.
I'm running FireFox on my PC with ad blocker and still getting the error.
this is getting really annoying. this site seems to have the more pop-ups and error messages than anywhere else, the ads seem to be the best place to start

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