Done with 215 Bergers

I'll never understand why people hunt with target bullets. I don't care that someone 'tested' it and its better than sliced bread. I've seen way too many stories like yours. It shows a remarkable lack of respect for the ethics of hunting.
A target Bullets are great killers on paper and steel. That's why it states on the box NOT FOR HUNTING. Federal Cartridge employees we get phone calls about this all the time
Pic of the shoulder meat?

It took the bottom off for sure, wouldn't expect it not to.

I shot a doe at 150 right before this little buck. She looked like she'd been hit with Thor's hammer. Everyone should shoot whatever the hell they feel works best for them imo.
A target Bullets are great killers on paper and steel. That's why it states on the box NOT FOR HUNTING. Federal Cartridge employees we get phone calls about this all the time
Go buy a box of Berger 215 thats been produced in the lasT 1.5 years and show me were it says NOT FOR HUNTING
I'd sure hope a 30 cal 215g bullet would go through a deer broadside, lmao...That's a ton of mass with all that lead to go through a little 150# whitetail haha. Elk are a whole different story...Guarunteed you will not get that same result on a 800# bull through the shoulders at 10 yards.
And they were shot at 10 yards in the shoulder, and went all the way through? I highly doubt it...I never said they wouldnt kill an elk or a moose. Simply said you ain't going to get a passthrough at 10 yards on a shoulder hit on a 800#+ animal. Dont compare apples to oranges here...
Guess I better take a video next time or I'm just another *** hole

I personally couldn't care less if I have a blood trail if I watch the animal die. But whatever if we're gonna move this to calling people liars and "I bet if" I'm out. Have a good day
Answer the question then? It's pretty straight forward, no? 10 yards, direct shoulder hit, complete pass through? We all know Bergers arent designed with bullet integrity in mind, and holding weight translates to penetration, especially on bigger, heavier boned animals at the muzzle, no? You cant BS, a BS'er...Or anyone who knows a bit about bullets and terminal performance. I dont know what kind of special person would intentionally shoot the shoulder at 10 yards anyway smh, good way to ruin at least a 1/4 to 1/2 of the meat on your animal. Why not slip it behind the shoulder?
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