Does anybody use a Weaver V-16 4-16 for long range hunting


Jan 25, 2009
I have been reading the book (Dead On) and they are using this scope. At under $350 it is kind of tempting. Was wonding about the optic quality and turret tracking.
I have one on my 25-06AI & it has worked decent. It was a good buy when I bought it about 11 years ago, I feel there are better ways to go in that price range now.

It is not the best in optical quality, I will likely take it off & put it on a 22 or 204 soon.
I use V16's for a different type of long range shooting but long range non the less. I have V16's on 2 air rifles that I use for long range hunting out to 150 yards. I consistently dial through 3+ revolutions on the elevation turret and have had excellent results for years. I also have one on my 17HMR and dial over 3 revolutions with great results. I had one on my .22 rimfire long range gun as well and it performed the same.

V16's have a very strong following in the airgun and rimfire world. They are built like tanks and have very, very good turrets. Depending on how old the V16 is there was some variance in glass. Most are good, some are great, and some are a little washed at high power. Still very usable though. For the price they are good especially in the past when they didn't have a lot of competition. The new V16's are supposed to have upgraded coatings and better glass. I haven't heard differently so I would expect to see an increase there if you bought new.

The new Hawke Tactical is another good option to look at if you want to stay in that price range. Its big negative, for me at least, is that is has a very nice 1/2 MIL Hash reticle but has MOA turrets. If this won't bother you then they are a very good option to look at as well.
I also have a V16 and love it. I had a TK Lee reticle installed in it and killed several long range coyotes with it 2 seasons ago with my 223 AI AR (1 at 557).
I am shooting a KT-15 (fixed 15X with AO) on a Ruger 77 right now. It sighted in easily, adjustments seem to move the poi the advertised amount, and it's good enough to consistently shoot 1/2 moa at 300 and 400 yds with a somewhat "random picked" fireforming load.

Glass doesn't seem quite as clear/bright as Leupold and the reticle is thicker than I'd like it to be, but for the money I think it was a very good buy (bought used for $150). I dont know about tracking repeatability yet, I haven't cranked the knobs up and down enough.


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