I looked into improving the 300 WSM but decided it's not worth the 2 gr h20 capacity gain, case ends up near straight walled at .008" taper and a short .250" neck with 40* shoulder, not worth doing for the expense of custom reamer/gauges, custom dies and effort involved in fireforming cases, the best thing you can do to improve the 300 WSM is run it in a long action with a .230 to .280 throat, depending on bullets you want to use .....
There are lots of 338/300 WSM versions and of course the better one is long throated for long actions and is super cool looking with the 250 gr Berger Hybrids, There is one called the 338 Alaskan and it is every bit equivalent to the 338 Win Mag
You'd be hard pressed to come up with a case that hasn't been wildcatted by someone, somewhere ....
I got lucky with the 500 AHR and 585 Hubel cases and was the first to create wildcats off of them and now there are a handful of guys jumping on the cases as well , if a fella had the money he could design an ultimate case not based on any existing cartridge and start a line of cartridges all his own, I have such a design but not the $$$ to pull it off so it remains in fantasy land while I mangle existing cases to create a bunch of different knockoffs we call "wildcats"
pic below shows a standard short action 300 WSM with a 180 gr Barnes MRX bullet next to the long action wildcat 338/300 WSM with a Berger 250 gr Hybrid Target bullet