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  • Good afternoon. I was perusing forums looking for load data on the 8mm Remington Mag and 221 Hammer Hunters when I came across your post about a longer mag box. I was wondering if you would mind sharing any load data that you settled on as I have had a box of the 221 HH on my bench for some time now. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.
    B78/1885 Highwall in 223 with 6mm barrel (both are octagon and I think 26”). Not sure what it’s worth but will entertain a fair offer after you look at photos (next week). At the risk of getting in trouble my email is [email protected]
    What do you want for the 223, I'm pretty particular about my barrels so I don't know if I'm interested unless it's dirt cheap.
    Hello! My name is John and I am going to have a 6mm-06 built, and I was wondering if you could give ma any advice.
    This rig will be for LR coyotes only. I have a Tikka T3x in 270 win that will will be rearreling. I want as long range Point Blank range as possible.
    What bullet, twist rate, throat length, and barrel length do you use?
    Thx for any help you can give me.

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