Deer Attack in Driveway

Sorry Len, we know its only vicious squirrels that attack!

The hungry deers.

Wifey was concerned about the deers not having enough to eat during a long tough winter with up to 5 ft deep snow drifts & snow every other day - past residence 200 miles west. She went Walmart & bought 100 pounds of corn in 2 or 4 bags (can't remember). The poor, little, hungry, whitetail deers! They looked so cute & needy! Time to get the mail, a 75 yard walk down driveway to mailbox on street. There were 15-17 white tail deers scarfing down corn near our driveway. Periodic possession disputes among the deers were settled with displays of hooves where the deers stood on hind legs and casually batted hooves. I approached the deers, all does & some May-June fawns. I expected the deers to run off but they did not. The deers stood their ground and stared at me & made huffing sounds. Remembering an occasional coyote having a gaping open wound inflicted by a bite & teeth hard & tough enough to crush corn combined with flailing hooves I avoided eye contact & slowly retreated. Mail pickup that day was done using a 3000-pound Toyota. in addition to flailing hooves, they bite hard & don't let go.
I fell sorry for the two people in the video. My brother lives in 108 mile house BC and the mule deer have zero fear of humans or dogs. Lots of dogs have been killed by the deer. People chased and a few gored. There are a huge number of deer, population exploded after they were pushed into town by the fires a couple of years ago. I have no issue at all with people killing those deer to get rid of the aggressive ones and get the numbers back in check.
"It's actually Elk Urine, sometimes I spray it in my mouth. It tastes pretty bad, but they can actually smell your breath from 5mi away"

There needs to be a vomit emoji!

Oh Muddy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

I don't know why it is so funny to me, but I am STILL laughing!!!

That scene literally made my day yesterday,

...and it's still making my day today.

I have no words for this kind of humor.

It's not comedy - he's dead serious!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Who knew??? Deer don't speak screaming.

She could have at least uttered, " BAD bad deer".

Shoot the buck and bury it, in case it had CWD. Not like they're on the endangered species list. Put the horns on the wall for a great conversation piece during dinner.
Who knew??? Deer don't speak screaming.

She could have at least uttered, " BAD bad deer".

Shoot the buck and bury it, in case it had CWD. Not like they're on the endangered species list. Put the horns on the wall for a great conversation piece during dinner.
Doubt either one of those California transplants own anything that could kill an animal. Even if they did, their sheep themselves. That Gucci purse wasn't gonna do it. Neither was that other bag she swung at the deer.