DE 338 EDGE FALLOW KILLS 605 & 626 yards

I know who Warren is. I've hunted with his brother-in-law, Bill Hoppe. You're right about the snow, none yet, but the wolves are still here. That means fewer and fewer elk too. Some good country above Eagle Creek and in the Absarokas. I sure do enjoy your tale tellin'. Keep up the good work.
Man I here that! My fam owns a high game deer ranch in Texas and we only have white-tail deer now. We used to have Axis, blackbuck, fallow, and some sheep but they were causing us a pretty penny so we "removed them" from the game ranch into our freezers;). How are you cooking yours?
Man I here that! My fam owns a high game deer ranch in Texas and we only have white-tail deer now. We used to have Axis, blackbuck, fallow, and some sheep but they were causing us a pretty penny so we "removed them" from the game ranch into our freezers;). How are you cooking yours?

So your down in TX ! I have a couple of friends from here who hunt every year or so around Devine ? How far is that from you guys ?

I know who Warren is. I've hunted with his brother-in-law, Bill Hoppe. You're right about the snow, none yet, but the wolves are still here. That means fewer and fewer elk too. Some good country above Eagle Creek and in the Absarokas. I sure do enjoy your tale tellin'. Keep up the good work.

I've met Bill before as well ! It sure is a small world. I think Gardiner is my "spiritual home " !! On a horse, chasing bulls in the deep snow. Does it get any better ? I doubt it !! I had one of Warren guides out hunting with me early this year and we had a great time. They sure take care of me when I get to town !

Well my place is in Brenham, TX. I guess that puts me about 3hrs and 20 mins drive from from Devine. In Texas its not a long drive usually until you get over the 5 hours marker!
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