Here is a coyote that I shot a couple of years ago. It came running to my call with a cows leg in its mouth. It dropped the leg where you can see it on the right side of the picture.
They are calf killers. I raise cows and rely on selling the calves to help with medical bills. I tell people to shoot every coyote they can. If I had a deer and a coyote both standing in a feild in front of my rifle, it would have to be one heck of a buck for me to shoot the deer instead of the coyote.
Geo, it is a ASAT leafy suit. It's great camo that you can wear over anything. I have had a lot of wildlife get very close to me while wearing this suit.
Try a HECS base layer complete suit and you'll get even closer. You have to watch their website explaination to understand it but it does work, at least for turkey hunting.