Canine Companion

Hey Len sorry to hear about Sampson. I just had to bury one of mine a month or two ago. It's never easy.

Here's a few that might fit the bill:

Whatever you do don't name him
SC338 sorry to hear that about your companion.
Jill likes Zeus or Bear.
I like Ranger or Bear, also like "Magnum".
I already know if I named him Creedmoor that he would most likely bite me and run away to find a new home.
Maybe Ackley!
This is a tough one. Strength, Power, Protective, Obedient, Faithful.
A name that is not hard to pronounce and with syllables easy for the pup to understand. No name with an "O" at the end. That can confuse the pup/animal with "NO". Animals understand the inflection in your voice to associate with the name.
This is a tough one. Strength, Power, Protective, Obedient, Faithful.
A name that is not hard to pronounce and with syllables easy for the pup to understand. No name with an "O" at the end. That can confuse the pup/animal with "NO". Animals understand the inflection in your voice to associate with the name.
I think I have to agree with Muddyboots. Atlas has my vote.
Never thought about a name ending in O and the command NO. (Cujo).
Dammit (joke!) Herman, George, Tiny, Aace, Sargent., Troy, Achilles.
I'll stop there. I wish that they would come to me this easily when I have to name one of mine.
In case you didn't know:

Len - Thanks for sharing pics of your new puppy. It is a great way to start my day. If you and Jill both like Bear, that's what I would do. Beautiful pup.
We both like BEAR
I also like Dozer.
Well by next week we should have enough names to pick from. It just needs to fit his personality.
I can usually have a family pet (dog, cat, horse, goat, racoon, possum) look at me and a name pops into my head.
Having a hard time with this puppy because both Jill and I have to agree.

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