Biden’s Gun Law Plan Explained

The wording in the "gun control" plan are irrelevant. Those who comply deserve exactly what they will get. Here is a though to ponder.
If this is how our employee's in the fedgov. treat us while we are still armed, Imagine how they would treat us if we ALLOWED ourselves to be disarmed.
Food for thought.
The outlook isn’t good, but at least the senate is still “R”. Although there are RINO’s in that number.
Lets hope that some of those close call states are turned around
The outlook isn’t good, but at least the senate is still “R”. Although there are RINO’s in that number.
Lets hope that some of those close call states are turned around

Open your **** eyes and wake up.
If the powers in charge are willing to lie, cheat, and steal their way through the election process then how in the hell can you not realize that a couple of RINOs in the Senate wont mean a thing.

Welcome to the new normal - the global community run by the international cabal of the U.N.
The first thing I said is that the outlook isn't good. Slow Joe will do whatever he can, and will try to use executive orders to push his agenda.

I also said that the majority number includes RINOs and that means we have to be on our toes.

Right now, the best thing going for us is that ACB is on the bench, but she can't do it alone.

If people here aren't involved in their local 2A organizations and PACs, then they better get started. Donate your time and money to back those who are fighting for our rights.

A lot of people hate the NRA on both sides, and I agree they aren't our best ally at times, but they are a hurdle for the gun grabbers.
SAF and GOA are 2 other national orgs that deserve a look for contributions.
I can tell u that a tax on gun ownership sounds rather dumb. I pay a fee when I go into the police station to apply for ownership. It is simply to cover the cost of doing the papperwork and is the same amount if you apply for gunpart(actions, bolts and barrels need permit) whole guns or several guns at once. It is something equal to 50dollar ish and your only paying it that one time. 200 sounds rather unfair and wont fix anything.
What we are being served here in New Zealand appears to be coming directly from the UN rule book.
The UN is simply “Rome”
They wanted to control the world, got defeated; but never really went anywhere.
It’s all VERY old money. They will stop at nothing to have total control.
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