best long range scope under 400


Jul 23, 2002
i was wondering what the best long range scope under 400$ is? is the millett 6-25 any good? what are some other good scopes? thanks

I will give you two concrete buys:

Leupold VX-II 6x18x40 Target Matte Duplex A.O. $381.60

Leupold Vari-X III 3.5x10X50 Matte Duplex $397.62

Also, you can get excellent pricing on Leupold at this dealer, Ron Shirk Shooting Supplies (717)272-5671, they advertise in shotgun news All prices are cash, credit cards 2% surcharge (although illegal according to policy of credit companies but they still do it). plus shipping.

[ 06-26-2003: Message edited by: thequickad ]
I like the V24 on a med range varmit rig but it does not have much range of adjustment and is not great opticly for the long range work. Overall I think there are better scopes for the money.
I'd second the Bushnell Elite 4200 series, opting for the 8-32X with tapered bases or the Burris Sig. rings and inserts. The Elite is $375-385 at Natchez Shooters Supply.

cdixon ... I have Millett scopes with Mil-dot reticles on three Savage BVSS rifles (223, 22-250, 25-06) and have had excellent results. Most of my shooting is at the local 100 yd range and South Dakota prairie dog shoots. My maximum effective shot so far has been a little over 450 yds. The scope is bright, repeats settings well and is BIG. Not too heavy, but a 6-25X56 scope is large. I paid $207 for the Mil-dot scopes at Graf & Sons. I still like my Burris and Night Force scopes and don't pretend the Milletts are better. But, for the dollar and my style of shooting, they work very good. If you are looking for a Millett scope, try Graf's. If you want a Mil-dot version and they are out of stock, e-mail me ([email protected]). I have an extra still in the sealed box. The next scope I am interested in trying is the Bushnell Elite 6-24. What I have seen is impressive for the price... Mike

[ 06-27-2003: Message edited by: Bluebeemer ]
cdixon, I believe the Millett is made by the same company that makes the Tasco Super-sniper, Hakko. That being said, a Fellow I shoot with at the local range has the S/S and I got a chance to look through it, not very good, reminded me of a BSA scope, and they're made in China, I'll never buy a scope made in a third world country, lets buy AMERICAN, Burris or Leupold, two companies with the BEST CS in the business, look around, you'll find alot of good Leupold or Burris scopes around 400 bucks, How much power do you want? Jay
The Bushnell Elite 4200 6X24x40 AO with Sunsahde is only $345. The 4200 8X32X40 is $380. at this dealer, Ron Shirk Shooting Supplies (717)272-5671, they advertise in shotgun news All prices are cash, credit cards 2% surcharge (although illegal according to policy of credit companies but they still do it). plus shipping.
I must 100% agree with Jay (which is rare). Actually we are not that far apart, Burris or Leupold both have a full-range of scopes to suit all needs and they are made in the U.S.A. Actually I am again in the market for the long range and back to Burris vs. Leupold. This time I am going to give the Black diamond side focus a try. Love those Ballistic mil-dots recticle.
i think i have decided to go with the millett scope. i will now need rings. i was thinking leupold or burris signiture. which one do yall reccommend? will high work or will i need super high? the scope has a 56mm objective, and it will be put on a winchester laredo. thanks


[ 07-05-2003: Message edited by: cdixon ]
If you can spend $400, buy the best scope.Nikon, burris or leopold.I'm returning a weaver i just bought, and taking a Nikon.
cdixon ... I am unfamiliar with the barrel contour of your Laredo, but my Savages are all heavy barrels. I use Weaver Grand Slam or Warne Maxima bases with either Warne Maxima or Leupold PRW high rings. This leaves enough clearance between the lens covers and the barrel. Good luck ... Mike
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