Hawkeye Pierce

Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Morning everybody, this is for you guys who are looking for some brass.
I just got word that Bertram is getting a shipment ready to go and they are taking pre- orders. 28 Nosler and 300 PRC are available along with a bunch of others so check it out.
It's good to see stuff moving and getting into it when we can.
seen that the other day. website wont show cartridge list keeps going to create account, then wont create your account. there is no price lists.

I have had good luck with there brass but if they cant get a website up and running with almost a year delay in import license not sure I will rush in and pre order and prepay then wait for the cargo ship to arrive.
think I will take a wait and see on this one
seen that the other day. website wont show cartridge list keeps going to create account, then wont create your account. there is no price lists.

I have had good luck with there brass but if they cant get a website up and running with almost a year delay in import license not sure I will rush in and pre order and prepay then wait for the cargo ship to arrive.
think I will take a wait and see on this one
I just checked it, the list is there and the account is working.
If you keep having trouble might be a technology issue, you know that thing they told us would make our lives easier but just increased aggravation. Lol just call the guys if it persists.
Anyone use their 270WSM brass? Thinking about getting it for my 7/300. Lost my primer pockets after 3 light loadings of the Norma brass🤨
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