Berrel length?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2003
Swartz creek Mi
I trashed a few Remingtons and will be Blue printing and changing the Barrels what is the best,
length for a .308 shooting to 750yards. with a 168gr speer bt. or a Hornaday 165 for hunting long range?

Need some stocks and new Barrels?(cheap)
KC, not exactly sure what is the best but I like the 24" on my .308. I'm sure a 20" would give you the needed velocity with that bullet to shoot 750 yards but the extra length will give you more velocity for longer shooting or flatter trajectories.
The 308 is an excellent very efficient cartridge using faster burning powders in that weight bullet and does not need long barrels for shooting. Velocity gain with longer barrels in the 308 would be minimal but would increase some if you used the heaviest bullets with slower burning powders. Short and stiff is actually better with this cartridge. A guy I shot with a good bit in Colorado had a 24" heavy barrel that shot like a dream. He shot out to the 1000 yard targets and did very well with it.
I trashed a few Remingtons and will be Blue printing and changing the Barrels what is the best,
length for a .308 shooting to 750yards. with a 168gr speer bt. or a Hornaday 165 for hunting long range?

Need some stocks and new Barrels?(cheap)

With those requirements you could have just left the rifles intact.
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