Berger .338


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
Central Pennsylvania
For any of you who have not asked or don't know, Berger is going to try and produce a 250grn BC.713 and a 300grn BC. 855. I can say that this is some pretty exciting news. They are planning to put it out in the fall.

Happy Shooting,
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I loaded next to Walt Berger and Eric Stecker down at the Cactus Classic this past weekend in Phoenix and I heard Eric say that the .338's were going to be ready by the end of summer. He also said they are working on some .50's too. Should be exciting.
I didn't get into any specifics with him because I was shooting and trying to do well and I can't do that and be asking questions at the same time because I'd end up swapping stories instead of getting ammo ready to shoot the next match. And besides, he was being pestered enough as it was without me getting into the mix.
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I'd like to see something in a 225grn. w/ a BC of .600+. I would use it in a .338 Win Mag for a poor man's Lapua or Edge. I have a ton of .338 Win Brass that is begging to be shot. Now that I know how to anneal, I should be able to save some of it.

I'd like to see something in a 225grn. w/ a BC of .600+. I would use it in a .338 Win Mag for a poor man's Lapua or Edge. I have a ton of .338 Win Brass that is begging to be shot. Now that I know how to anneal, I should be able to save some of it.


Give the 250 grain Hornady match HP bullet a try. I have been working with this projectile out of my 338WM and it has a lot of promise.

What is your set up on that rifle? I want to long range shoot with it. I am thinking a 30 to 32" barrel. Also what powders are you using and what type of velocity?

Thanks in advance,
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What is your set up on that rifle? I want to long range shoot with it. I am thinking a 30 to 32" barrel. Also what powders are you using and what type of velocity?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Tank,

My rifle is a Sako with factory barrel of about 24.5"
The load I use is 70grains of H4350 or AR2209 (same stuff)
Bullet is Hornady 250 grain Match BTHP
Primer is Federal 215
COL is 3.470"
Velocity is 2753 fps.

Sighted in at 100 yards at my altitude. Exbal tells me at 1000 yards, it has a drop of about 28 moa, retains 1630 fps and 1475 ft/lbs. This shoots flatter and hits harder than any other bullet I have fired out of my 338WM

I have not shot it at that range yet but at 450yards which is the length of my back yard, it shoots very well indeed. Once I have fitted a new base and a set of 30mm rings I will attach my new NF scope onto it and give it a try at the longer ranges.

I have some goat culling planned for the next few months so will get a chance to try it out at long range on game to see how the bullet performs. I normally shoot about 50 goats on a cull. They come in various sizes so this should give me a good indication as to the potential of this bullet.

With the longer barrel that you propose, you should get a bit more velocity, I would be interested to know how much when you get to test it.
Unfortunately, it is going to be a while until I get to build that rifle. I would definitely be interested in hearing your reports of the goat hunt. I am interested in damage the Hornadys can do at long range. This set up of yours sounds promising. Keep me posted if you would.

Thanks for the data by the way. I like learning what other guys are doing.

This news from bergers on 338s is very exciting and I don't even have a 338! :D I'm one of the millions of people looking forward to it.
Unfortuneatly, the news has been "exciting" for close to two years. It would really be exciting if the .338's were in the stores right now so we could have loads ready for the fall.
Unfortunately, it is going to be a while until I get to build that rifle. I would definitely be interested in hearing your reports of the goat hunt. I am interested in damage the Hornadys can do at long range. This set up of yours sounds promising. Keep me posted if you would.

Thanks for the data by the way. I like learning what other guys are doing.


Hi Tank,
Just an update.
I got back from the Goat cull where I shot 99 goats. About 60 of these were shot with the 250 grain Hornady BTHP match bullets out to a range of 500 yards. Performance was brilliant, quite spectacular some of them.

I shot 8 goats with the 300 grain SMK @ MV of 2435fps at ranges out to 200 yards and although they killed them, the kills were not what I would describe as impressive. This bullet seemed a bit too hard for this size game animal.

In summary I would say that the Hornady bullet is a softer bullet. They expanded more rapidly at 200 to 500 yards than the 300 grain SMK did at 20 yards.

I have since done extensive range testing and have settled on a charge of 68 grains of H4350 or AR2209 for outstanding accuracy and longer case life.

One thing that I did notice when I bought two new boxes of bullets last week was that they look slightly different to the first batch. The box is also different. The metplate was more open and not as rounded off and neat as the first batch. Hopefully they have not changed the design and they shoot the same.
I talked to Berger at the NRA show here in Phoenix a month or so ago about the .338 bullets. Got the impression that it won't be until the beginning of the year before we would see them.
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