Barrel threading


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2017
I am contemplating buying a sako 75 300wsm that has a Brux barrel on it on it that measurex .675 at the muzzle is that enough to thread 5/8-24 so I can mount a direct thread suppressor on or a muzzle brake? T

The other question I have is even if it is enough to thread 5/8-24 would it be wise to mount a suppressor on it because it would effect the barrel flop when shooting and greatly effect accuracy?

Kerry G.
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There isn't enough of a shoulder for 5/8x24 suppressor mounting. Most suppressor companies want closer to .750". Muzzle brakes are a bit sketchy that thin IMO. You'd be best getting a suppressor with 9/16x24 or one that has the integrated brake and get one for 9/16x24.
Well I bought the Texas Silencer Company ( The Hunter direct thread ) just waiting for it to get out of jail, been there 300days now!
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