Thanks Steve
I finally found a bit more info on the Web, and like you mention,,, JMB ballistics sight is a wealth of finding out the difference between bullets.
I like the idea of larger bullets, 30 and 338 caliber put it out there at distance, I guess the 270 and 7mm do as well.
I tried the 243/ 6mm bullets years ago on critters and it seemed like they would penetrate thin and thick skin game, but the entry holes were small,,, if the bullet found a tuff area towards the exit side they would get hung up with out punching threw.
Not alot of impact like the bigger bullets.
After reading the Roy Weatherby story I see how this Hyper Shock idea came to be,,, due to the limit bullet selection of the time.
Roy had 3 options.
A- Make a bigger case with more volume and powder to get the limited bullet of that era up to speed. The Hyper Shock idea.
B- Try to make better bullets in those years.
C- Just get by with what was out there.
We all know what Roy did since he was a very skilled re-loader that soon became a very skilled rifle case designer and builder.
I'm sure he even considered making a bullet in his quest, but the Hyper Shock idea might of been the easier path in those years.
The 257 and 270 Weatherby cartrages look like they get it out there since they are clipping along at a pretty good speed.
I'm not suggesting that the big rave of the 6.5 Creedmoor is not a capable cartrage as folks are taking some good size game,,, it is this that brings me to looking at the big picture of why this is,,, and the difference between lager too smaller bullets.
This is what sparks my interests.
The theory in my head tells me that it's wize to have more than enough energy on the thick skin animals,,, that and a fraction more depending on the size of game and distance.
Much like what you mentioned Steve.
This is not forgetting the variables either that was mentioned as well.
BC and SD play roles in game harvest, I'm guessing BC plays its role when the distance gets into the 600 to 1000 meters and beyond.
Tomorrow I'll start with one caliber, looking at it with different BC values at its set muzzle velocities,,, the do the same thing at slower ft-per seconds as it travels down range...
I'm sure it will show signs of variables at different stages to target.
It will be time consuming, but I end up with a pattern of what to expect.
Then the same with a smaller bullet and case on my choosing so I can compare the 2 different size caliber bullets and the cases that send them on their way.
I need to make sure that conditions and hidden variables are matched, or as close as possible between them.
Yes that 1 case and bullet is small as the other might have a larger case and heavier bullet, but that the way it goes.
At least both will be at their max potential for what they are.
5 re-loading books will show me where these 2 cartrages are, then using the JBM calculater will assist me in some ways to what I'm looking for.