Are any of you using the GRS laminate riflestock? I know there are much cheaper options out there but finding a quality replacement stock for a stupid Browning X-Bolt is much easier said than done. Altamont makes a very nice looking stock which looks eerily similar to the GRS but they only offer it in a 223 length action. Boyds produces nothing for the X-Bolt that will accommodate a varmint weight barrel. I even tried a factory laminate replacement stock from Browning but the fore-end checkering was as sharp and crisp as shag rug carpet. Seriously, it had the feel and texture of velcro. For $400 I expected much better so it went back. Sooooo.... I'm running out of options. GRS makes one for the X-Bolt and it looks good but it's $800. Anybody have any firsthand experience with one of these?