Anyone hunt with SNS Outfitters?


Active Member
Dec 17, 2013
I want to go on a guided antelope hunt up in Wyoming this fall. I am considering booking with SNS Outfitters but can only find two reviews from people who have hunted with them. One review is very good and one is very bad. Anyone here have any experience working with them? Any help would be appreciated.
They've been good to me. I elk hunted, and it was quality. They have a number of antelope hunts, with different expectations/prices. The only ones in camp unhappy when I was there were a couple of guys that booked a horse back hunt, but didn't want to ride horses. More to it than that, but that's what it boiled down to. PM me if want more info.
They've been good to me. I elk hunted, and it was quality. They have a number of antelope hunts, with different expectations/prices. The only ones in camp unhappy when I was there were a couple of guys that booked a horse back hunt, but didn't want to ride horses. More to it than that, but that's what it boiled down to. PM me if want more info.

Did you hunt with SnS on the Orchard Ranch in elk Unit 48? I hunted with them way back in 1994 for mule deer there when they had a wall tent camp. A few years later the Orchards let them put up permanent buildings along Trout Creek where the tent camp had been. Old man Orchard just passed away last year.
They've been good to me. I elk hunted, and it was quality. They have a number of antelope hunts, with different expectations/prices. The only ones in camp unhappy when I was there were a couple of guys that booked a horse back hunt, but didn't want to ride horses. More to it than that, but that's what it boiled down to. PM me if want more info.

Thanks for the info!
We hunted with SNS on Orchard Ranch with Richard Fink and horses. We weren't really horsemen but that in itself gave us a lot to talk about. Son and I both got antelope over 80". It was a 3 day hunt and we made it a one day affair. Guide knew where the animals were.
We hunted with SNS on Orchard Ranch with Richard Fink and horses. We weren't really horsemen but that in itself gave us a lot to talk about. Son and I both got antelope over 80". It was a 3 day hunt and we made it a one day affair. Guide knew where the animals were.
Thanks for the info!
Good old Richard has guided for SNS since Sy started way back in the late 80s and that's how long they've leased the hunting rights there. They used to only hunt the ranch for deer and then elk as the numbers grew over the last 20 years or so and tag numbers increased. I'd bet I could tell you within a 5 mile radius of where Richard took you to kill those antelope because even though that ranch encompasses in excess of 100,000 acres the antelope they just started guiding for in the last few years are in a pretty small area over on the nw part of the ranch where we hunt the public parts every year and have for 20 years or so.
Hunted with SNS in 2017. Hunt #2. Great time, great people. Tagged out on a 14"+ Antelope the first afternoon. And a really nice 4x4 Muley on the 3rd day. Everybody in camp was professional and fun to be around. Liked it so much that I am hunting with them again, this coming fall in the Grey's River area, for Elk. And possibly the year after that,,,?

10-17-19 updating my experience with SNS: had very bad - dangerous experience with SNS on a 2019 Mule Deer hunt. 2019 I was set up with a rookie guide who put his clients in dangerous situations, and was not experienced enough to be sent out as a solo guide. I did shoot descent deer. Ended up having to gut the deer myself, as the guide took off for 2 hours+ in search of game for the other client. Finish one job before you start another,,, maybe? The poor guide lacked basic skills in horsemanship, skinning and quartering of game. We found a decent deer, but the guide was in no way ready to guide on his own! The responsibility for this situation is squarely with the outfitter Sy. In discussing this with Sy and the camp manager, their attitude was, so what. Had a similar experience with SNS on 2018 elk hunt, in the Grays River. Was set up with a young rookie guide who seemed to boost his ego by getting us into dangerous situations. My hunting partner and I repeatedly demanded that the guide stop putting us in risky situations. Later we were told by the camp mgr that the week before this Grays river guide had to have a client air lifted out after the horse and client rolled down a steep embankment busting the client and horse up pretty bad. Sending him to the hospital. Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me. I do not recommend SNS outfitters!
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Hunted with SNS in 2017. Hunt #2. Great time, great people. Tagged out on a 14"+ Antelope the first afternoon. And a really nice 4x4 Muley on the 3rd day. Everybody in camp was professional and fun to be around. Liked it so much that I am hunting with them again, this coming fall in the Grey's River area, for Elk. And possibly the year after that,,,?

Thanks for the confirmation. I have booked with them for early October.
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