anybody used the smart reloader isd powder dispense and scale


Aug 30, 2012
Roanoke Rapids,NC
Has anybody used rhe smart reloader isd powder dispenser and scale? Is it a good automatic dispenser or would you try something different and what would you use?
Another copy of an RCBS ChargeMaster!
We as responsible consumers & reloaders should support those who originally bring products to market.
This, because if we don't, further innovations will stop coming.
They will no longer be viable..
Another copy of an RCBS ChargeMaster!
We as responsible consumers & reloaders should support those who originally bring products to market.
This, because if we don't, further innovations will stop coming.
They will no longer be viable..
Sure looks like "smart reloader" is an import copy for most of their stuff. Looked pretty cheaply built to me from what the local shop had. If you want to go cheaper, go lee; at least they are stateside. I usually go redding or rcbs myself, with a bit of lyman thrown in once in a while. It seems like even the big guys are slipping in imported calipers and stuff these days though. Wonder when a chinese press will be all you can get.....
I'm sayin we should leave copies to rot on shelves,, go right by them to more expensive, but original stuff. This sends all the right messages -to everyone.
There is a bigger price to pay otherwise.

Say I spend time & resources developing just what we've needed, but does not exist.
I built prototypes, tested, revised, retested,, and it's finally reduced to a simplest form that could be manufactured at a reasonable cost & put out there to fellow shooters.
Well wait, I see a ~dozen WeCopyEverythingWeLayOurEyesOn.coms out there that would immediately divvy up MY market. The US Patent system has failed in every regard throughout my lifetime. And forums, magazines, stores, .coms, and CHEAP consumers, would not be loyal to my efforts here.
So with this, what's viable and right, is to use the widget to my benefit only(to hell with everyone else).

This is the inevitable result of CHOOSING to buy red communist copies of Harris bipods, etc, instead of supporting Harris.
IMO, it's really a matter of ethics, which is **** difficult to express in society today.
And the music ,,,,,,,, Died.
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