Well-Known Member
Need some advice. I have never shot an antelope before and have a tag for area 29-2 which is just outside of Douglas, WY. Any advice on where to hunt would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Need some advice. I have never shot an antelope before and have a tag for area 29-2 which is just outside of Douglas, WY. Any advice on where to hunt would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
"[FONT="]ALL OF THESE HUNT AREAS HAVE DIFFICULT PUBLIC ACCESS. We strongly recommend that you consider this prior to purchasing your license. See the section titled Hunt Areas with Difficult Public Access in the Wyoming Hunting Information and Applications Booklet for more information."[/FONT]
[FONT="]Area 29 is included in this description.[/FONT]
About half the state of Wyoming is private land. The remainder is public land. If you're going to hunt private land you'll need permission and you'd be well advised to get that permission before putting out the bucks for an out of state license. A high quality accurate GPS and some very good certified state maps (Wyoming State Geological Survey) will help keep you out of trouble as long as you don't push the limits of the GPS and as long as you understand that if you make the mistake of killing an animal that is occupying private land while you're on public land you will be trespassing if you cross the private property lines to collect your trophy.
Inasmuch as any time after opening day in Wyoming it's tough to get closer than 300 - 500 yards from a pronghorn, you can expect some long range shooting.
[FONT="]I am not certain but I believe the area outlined in green broken line on this map is the public land area. Best to check it with WGFD.[/FONT]
Those green areas on that state map are the National Forests and the areas with the lines inside them are designated Wilderness areas where a NR can't go without a licensed guide or a resident that applies to the G&F for a special guide permit that allows them to take two people a year into them with no remuneration involved. Those green areas are mainly deer and elk areas and really have nothing to do as far as antelope are cioncerned. You need to get good BLM maps for any hunting you do out there and they are $4 and you may need several to cover an entire unit you drew to hunt. Contact the BLM Office in Casper for maps
A 29 type 2 tag is Private land Only **
Yep, just looked it up in the Final Regulations and it sure is for private land only. The OP is screwed if he can't get a ranch to hunt on and better eat the tag if he hasn't got a place to hunt on ahead of time. The last thing you should do is try to get on a place during the season itself because, for one thing, it's not courteous and just ticks ranchers off and hurts everyone's chances. I didn't even check to see what the type 2 stipulation was and just sort of figured it had to do with hunting dates because there are a number of things that type 2 can refer to. The OP obviously did not read closely enough when he applied for that tag, which is probably a gimme since it has that restriction for private land only. Also, if he tried to use it anywhere else and got caught on public land with it I would imagine it would lead to loss of hunting priviledges in Wyoming for several years and the other 37 states that have signed on to the Violator Compact.
This was some good info to happen across, I've been vigorously researching an antelope and deer hunt for Wyoming next year. Although I was aware that there were various "types" of tags, I had not caught the detail that there were two separate types of "antlered" tags one being a what I'll call general, and a private land only.
I'm glad I stumbled across this.
Top gun,
Good to know, I'll pay much better attention to those moving forward. I'd hate to finally pull a unit I want only to pull the wrong type.
I've got some good ideas of where I want to go, just digging in deeper now to get more of the nitty gritty details worked out and understood.
I'm sure I'll be asking some questions in here in the coming months, but I like to have a good handle on things and only ask for others help on the obscure questions that might come up.
I've hunted out there most every year since 1994 for deer, antelope, and/or elk, so send me a PM if you need any help or something comes up that you need an answer to and I'll be happy to help you.
Get a state Walk In Booklet, I don't know if there is any in that area but it wont cost nothing to check.