These Nutria are invading more States. I knew some guys that hunted them at night with .22 Shorts in the cannels at night with a boat and spotlight. Just like shooting BIG RATS!!! The Nutria will dig into the cannel banks/dikes and cause them to fail causing $$$$ damage.
That's why they need wolves…to clean up the Nutria problem…Another mistake by folks thinking they know more than nature! If I remember correctly, they were brought into Louisiana to feed on and help minimize the Water Lilly infestation in many Louisiana Bayous….the Nutria has done near nothing to relieve that problem…..merely created another problem.
About 30 or 40 years ago, Louisiana put on a campaign to promote them as a new food source. Several recipes were introduced and while many folks did trap them for the fur……not much success on either! memtb
I'd like to try that one as well as the Nutria out of an air boat.It sounds similar to iguanas in Florida. Hard to get rid of those critters.
Come on CST, its only taxpayer dollars spent to fix it. It appears we have way more than enough to go around.......These Nutria are invading more States. I knew some guys that hunted them at night with .22 Shorts in the cannels at night with a boat and spotlight. Just like shooting BIG RATS!!! The Nutria will dig into the cannel banks/dikes and cause them to fail causing $$$$ damage.
Just trying to help the Tax Payers for spending money to fix Dikes.Come on CST, its only taxpayer dollars spent to fix it. It appears we have way more than enough to go around.......