A little dimple.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
SE Idaho
Golf balls used to be round spherical balls...no dimples...a smart man figured out(and probably made a lot of money) that dimples on a golf ball allowed fhe ball not only to travel further but also to be controlled better...
On a TV show two guys tested that same idea on a car....it traveled further on a given amount of gasoline.....
If dimples were added to a bullet(albeit really small dimples) would it be more accurate..would it be faster.......would 1moa at a 1000 yards be 1/4moa......
What say ye.........
I have though about this too, if it would increase the BC of the bullet, because that is essentially what it is doing to the golf ball/car (I also saw that episode of myth busters) then the theory should hold. I think it would make it more challenging to make a precision bullet, as the dimples would have to be completely symmetrical to keep the bullet from getting out of kilter with the extreme rpm's. Interesting thought.
I'm not smart enough to figure out how to post link but there is a article about this subject on accurate shooter website about this. Read the comments on bottom when done. Haha
I believe mzldrs have a bullet like this....seems i saw it somewhere...but i am curious if it would make a high powered rifle even more accurate....
Of course it would have to tested by guys with .25" rifles....and that's no in my category........
I have though about this too, if it would increase the BC of the bullet, because that is essentially what it is doing to the golf ball/car (I also saw that episode of myth busters) then the theory should hold. I think it would make it more challenging to make a precision bullet, as the dimples would have to be completely symmetrical to keep the bullet from getting out of kilter with the extreme rpm's. Interesting thought.
I agree that it would be ultra challenging to make the bullet. And in order to get the same results out of each bullet all of the dimples would have to be identical.
I think the only reason it worked on a golf ball ; it is round. The only way to reduce drag on a ROUND (spherical) object.
Not a aerodynamic cone spinning at 250,000 rpm.
As I remember Adam and Jamie had no success with the idea on the car.
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