A brute from way back


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2015
North Idaho
While digging around in a pile of horns my grandpa kept stacked up in the basement of the old house, my brother dug out an impressive set buried towards the bottom.
Story was my grandpa and his buddy , Lambert were hunting a canyon by their place and shot two bucks. Not really holding trophies in high regard, they left the bigger set of horns with the gut pile. The set hung around a while and folks took pictures with em and were generally impressed. I found a 15 year old photo of me holding em and figured I'd share. E56A32D3-C1AB-4548-AF6B-F131D3E83458.jpeg833E6330-6393-49BF-A75F-9CF07B5B0434.jpeg
For comparison, I'm 6'4" and around 260 in the picture. The skull plate is busted, but fairly close to actual width. Kinda neat ol fella...
Cvcobra- grandpa never had the money to mount anything, that's for sure. 10 kids... also never gave a hoot to think about a mount. Was mostly indifferent when my brother wanted to keep em. Pretty sure he only Kept the horns to feed the mice! Lol
Djfergus- I know the stamp says 2004, but the original was almost certainly a2002 photo. Was probably printed in 04. To me, my mind knows that 2000 was 20 years ago, however 1980 was also 20 years ago. :oops:
Yz- my preferred Modus Operandi is to stare and babble with rifle in hand til they meander out of sight... don't ask me how I know.....
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Cvcobra- grandpa never had the money to mount anything, that's for sure. 10 kids... also never gave a hoot to think about a mount. Was mostly indifferent when my brother wanted to keep em. Pretty sure he only Jeptha horns to feed the mice! Lol
Djfergus- I know the stamp says 2004, but the original was almost certainly a2002 photo. Was probably printed in 04. To me, my mind knows that 2000 was 20 years ago, however 1980 was also 20 years ago. :oops:
Yz- my preferred Modus Operandi is to stare and babble with rifle in hand til they meander out of sight... don't ask me how I know.....
I sure hope the next 20 years don't go by as fast as the last 20 but I can't slow them down. Doesnt matter if I'm having a good time or a bad time, the days just seem to go by quick.
Man! had it all....mass, tine height, spread, and forks and stickers. majority of whitetail hunters go a lifetime and don't see one to shoot like that. I grew up with little money and mounts were an impossibility as well, I did however keep the skull plates intact and mounted them on a simple horn plaque to preserve and display. Had a mentor up north that bought up racks for little in the fifties and sixties and when the big antler boys came around after his collection filled two U-hauls years later some like the hole in the horn and state record bucks brought many thousands. Thanks for posting :)
While digging around in a pile of horns my grandpa kept stacked up in the basement of the old house, my brother dug out an impressive set buried towards the bottom.
Story was my grandpa and his buddy , Lambert were hunting a canyon by their place and shot two bucks. Not really holding trophies in high regard, they left the bigger set of horns with the gut pile. The set hung around a while and folks took pictures with em and were generally impressed. I found a 15 year old photo of me holding em and figured I'd share. View attachment 200245View attachment 200246
For comparison, I'm 6'4" and around 260 in the picture. The skull plate is busted, but fairly close to actual width. Kinda neat ol fella...
Nice pics. By the way, someone ought to take you to the taxidermist.......you're pretty good size as well :) :) :)
I sure hope the next 20 years don't go by as fast as the last 20 but I can't slow them down. Doesnt matter if I'm having a good time or a bad time, the days just seem to go by quick.
Through Life's front windshield, the eyes of a young Whipper Snapper see life's years as dreams.
Just turning around in Life's Driver Seat, those same years have become memories viewed through an old geezer's eyes. That's Life's Time Warp. The secret to a happy life is whether those old eyes see those dreams as fulfilled memories or missed opportunities.
Beautiful and heartfelt, I'm kinda in between old geezer and young whipper snapper, all smart ***, so I'm trying to come up with an artful response to the taxidermist comment. So far, I'm in between something that's not really THAT funny and one that'll get this thread closed.... both in regards to the last time someone TRIED to mount me.....
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