filled my late season whitetail tag with a big brute!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I went out last night to see if I could find a deer worth raging. I spoted a smaller 4 point before I even got out of the truck. So I got out and checked him out. And decided to pass so I sat up and spotted some more movement to my left. So I checked it out. I couldn't tell exactly how big but it was obvious it was trigger time so I jacked a shell in and let him have a 300 smk through the shoulders. At 240 yards. I saw him go down but when I got down There everything looked much different. I never found him last night so me and dad went out This morning And found him within about 10 minutes.

Great deer, this season has given you much to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing. Is this it until next season or do you have, another tag/freezer to fill?
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