7 SAUM defiance AnTi action choice


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2014
Dear All,

I need some help. I am in the middle of building a 7 SAUM rifle and I am wondering whether I should go with the defiance AnTi XM or the long action. The rifle will digest handloads. I would like have a relatively short rifle (22" barrel) and I was thinking about the XM action. However, I will need a specific bottom metal for that ($$) which I am not sure I want pay for and if I ever want to rebarrel the rifle the XM action will pose limitations.
So here are my questions:
1. Can anyone tell me the Max COAL one can use with the XM and Long actions.
2. Anyone knows the exact difference in length between these actions (I understand the weight difference is about 1.5 OZ)
3. What would you do if you were me? ;-)

Thank you, Ferenc
I was at the same dilemma about a month ago.. I went with the anti x short 22" barrel and 7 Sherman short. Can't give many details cuz I'm still waiting on the barrel to finish but there are a lot of people running it with great results
The XM will require custom inlet stocks/chassis - so keep that in mind, the long action will fit in any remington 700 long action inlet stock.

We're currently sold out of our anti x long action's - however, we do have a few ruckus hunters still available if that is something that interests you.

Thank you. I am sorry for pressing this, but I am still unsure what is the length difference between the XM and the long action. That is, how much longer a rifle gets if it is built on a long action vs an XM action.
Thank you, Ferenc
I think I can live with that for a long action, I have heard 0.22 inch difference somewhere but I cannot find it anymore.
Thank you. I am sorry for pressing this, but I am still unsure what is the length difference between the XM and the long action. That is, how much longer a rifle gets if it is built on a long action vs an XM action.
Thank you, Ferenc
It's really so minimal you won't notice it. All my short magnum's are built on long actions and I even have 2 260 remingtons built on long actions. You won't regret it I promise.
I would go so far as to say give up an inch of barrel to keep the long action if overall length of the rifle absolutely can't exceed a certain max.

I got a second bolt for my action planning for a future 6.5/7 SAUM, currently is 6.5-284 and needed to get a long action to ensure I won't have to pull the bolt to unload an unfired round.