.375 Performance


New Member
Jul 26, 2013
Madison, WI
A friend and I are building some long range rifles. Our first go round was chambered in .375 Cheytac with a 1:10 twist. Primarily shooting the 377 gr MTAC Cutting edge bullets. We are looking to move to the 452 gr MTAC and looking to get as much velocity as possible. I was wondering if anyone has velocity data they could share on some of the .375 improved cartridges out there. We do have a 375 Big Bear to play with but were curious about some of the other options out there.

We have a couple of 1:7.5 twist barrels on order to support the 452 MTAC.

Any help/pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'd suggest moving this to the extreme long range area. Probably get better answers there.

Thanks, missed that forum when I looked. When I looked on that forum, think I found the thread I was looking for. So, this thread is really moot at this point.
Warning! This thread is more than 8 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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