$350 scope selection


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
SW Missouri
I'm looking for a new scope to go on a 7RM. It'll be used for deer hunting on bean fields and target shooting. I want side focus and finger adjustable knobs. I'm not wanting to spend over 350 right now. I was leaning towards a Nikon Buckmasters 4.5-14x40. Anything else in this price range that'll stand up to the Nikon? Is it worth the extra for the Monarch?
Supersniper or Bushnell 3200 are less expensive scopes that have proven themselves. Both are fixed 10 power.

When people talk Nikon, most are referring to the Monarch line but according to Cabelas, the Nikon Buckmaster is rated at a 4.7/5 and it's got 180 reviews. I would read some of those comments.
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Have you looked at WOtac scopes? I have been shooting a 4-14 and find it very good, better than the Buckmaster in glass and turrets. In most reviews they do quite a bit better than the Bushnell 3200's and will run with scopes well above there price point.
Lifetime warranty and a very fine dealer!!
WOTAC Rifle Scopes
I have a Bushnell 3200 10x, but it's not what I'm wanting for this rifle. I have some other 3200's but I want side focus. I have looked at the Wotac's. And have read all of the reviews on Snipercentral and it looks promising. How would you rate it against the Monarch 4-16x42? Is it much better than the buckmasters?
You might contact Cameralandny.com about their Vortex Viper riflescopes. They have side focus and finger adjustable knobs. They've been receiving pretty good reviews and are close to your price range.
The Wotac glass is a little better than my buddies Buckmaster but it is so much bigger it really gives it an advantage. The turrets really set it apart from the Buckmaster, they are sharp and accurate with no wobbleness, 15moa per turn with double the elevation of the Nikons.
I think the Monarch would take it in optically, maybe, but the Wotac turrets are still better.
The reticle is really nice and I like it, but it is something that some don't like. The Wotac is a big rugged scope compared to the Nikons but I honestly really like the Monarch I just really wanted a 30mm tube, 50mm obj with lots of elevation and the Monarch didn't have it.
If your anywhere near SW MT PM me and I let you have a go with mine to see if you like it.
Or call Matt Wonders and talk to him, real nice guy that won't sell you something that will be wrong.
Nikon. Monarch is not much more than the buckmaster in price and will give a little better light but either should serve you well. You should be able find the monarch for less than $350.
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Good choice rick. I am waiting on a new sightron SIII to try on a project rifle. Being in Canada, there is a bit of wait. The Nikon was on my short list as well. I love my NF and Leupolds but sometimes we just cant justify the cost. It is great that we have the options of great glass in lower cost platforms that also track well. I have had good success with Vortex as well.
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