338 supressors


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
central Pa.
OK based on my previous thread looks like the action on my build will be the terminus kratos x now I'm needing help with a big bore supressor. Never used one so looking for opinions on 1) supress or brake 2) supressor threaded on brake 3) opinions on which supressor for 338 L on 31" Hart barrel sendero contour. 4) any thing i should know about supressed shooting that may help me make my mind up. Thanks in advance.

Build so far.
Mcmillan XTR stock
Trigger tech trigger
Kratos x action
Hart 31" sendero contour barrell
Just an fyi, there is a suppressor section as well. I’m looking to get a Thunder Beast 338 Ultra myself. I don’t own a 338 (may in the future), but want maximum suppression. There are plenty of videos out there that Ray from Thunderbeast does and compares different suppressors side by side as well as Silencer shop videos.

I love shooting suppressed myself. Once you do, you won’t want to go back to shooting unsuppressed. Only issue is the extra weight and length, especially with big bore cans. I have mostly direct threads but My Thunder Beast Ultra 9 is a thread over muzzle brake and nice setup. As will be my Dominus and 338 Ultra. Guess first you have to determine your priorities. A lot of cans out there, answer the questions below and will help narrow down your selection.

3-Material build
4-Amount of suppression (kind of goes with #3)

If you just want to take the edge off some, want to be economical and concerned about size and weight you could go with one like the Griffin Sportsman Ultra Light weight. With suppressors the more volume the better they suppress typically, but also depends some on the Baffles and build. I guess one thing to add is make sure to go with a well established company with a great warranty. There have been a few companies go under and will probably never get their cracked cans replaced or warranted.
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OK based on my previous thread looks like the action on my build will be the terminus kratos x now I'm needing help with a big bore supressor. Never used one so looking for opinions on 1) supress or brake 2) supressor threaded on brake 3) opinions on which supressor for 338 L on 31" Hart barrel sendero contour. 4) any thing i should know about supressed shooting that may help me make my mind up. Thanks in advance.

Build so far.
Mcmillan XTR stock
Trigger tech trigger
Kratos x action
Hart 31" sendero contour barrell
Thunder beast 338 Ultra.. end of discussion.

I've shot a lot of different cans on 338 Lapua, 338 ultra 338 edge and 338 lapua improved and i will give you one piece of advice !! Buy once cry once.. buy the thunderbeast! Its not just the name

I bought a TB 338 Ultra and I don’t even own a .338 rifle (yet). It’s for sure a buy once, cry once purchase.

I bought the version that attaches to their brake. Unfortunately, it’s freaking huge so looks a little out of place on smaller barrels (just personal opinion).

At times I wish I bought the direct thread version. A little loctite on the brake and it’s converted to direct thread so, not actually an issue. Exact type of loctite and directions can be found online. I’m not convinced on going this route. More expensive option is to send it back and have TBAC convert it.
I'm absolutely convinced that a tapered interface is the best option for a suppressor mount vs direct thread. Call TBAC, they'll tell you the exact same thing.
Just an fyi, there is a suppressor section as well. I’m looking to get a Thunder Beast 338 Ultra myself. I don’t own a 338 (may in the future), but want maximum suppression. There are plenty of videos out there that Ray from Thunderbeast does and compares different suppressors side by side as well as Silencer shop videos.

I love shooting suppressed myself. Once you do, you won’t want to go back to shooting unsuppressed. Only issue is the extra weight and length, especially with big bore cans. I have mostly direct threads but My Thunder Beast Ultra 9 is a thread over muzzle brake and nice setup. As will be my Dominus and 338 Ultra. Guess first you have to determine your priorities. A lot of cans out there, answer the questions below and will help narrow down your selection.

3-Material build
4-Amount of suppression (kind of goes with #3)

If you just want to take the edge off some, want to be economical and concerned about size and weight you could go with one like the Griffin Sportsman Ultra Light weight. With suppressors the more volume the better they suppress typically, but also depends some on the Baffles and build. I guess one thing to add is make sure to go with a well established company with a great warranty. There have been a few companies go under and will probably never get their cracked cans replaced or warranted.
Do cans threaded over a brake get better recoil reduction because of the brake vs. A direct thread to barrel can?
i have a hybrid 46 coming to use on my 338RUM. In reviewing it sounded like it was an accurate suppressor with minimal POI shift. Only down side is it is not nearly as quiet as a dedicated 338 can? I also ordered it with the anchor brake. Looks like you have used a Hybrid SierraCharlie338? Was it the one I am mentioning? Any one else have experience with the Hybrid 46?
Do cans threaded over a brake get better recoil reduction because of the brake vs. A direct thread to barrel can?
There is no difference in recoil on a direct thread vs a brake. The 2 advantages for a T.O.M.B. (Thread over muzzle brake) is the ease of installing/removing it while retaining a brake for recoil reduction and they claim that a brake will not wear out a suppressor as fast. Due to the dispersion of the side gasses vs. just blasting straight forward out of the blast chamber into the baffles.

The downside to a TOMB is you need to have a brake setup for each rifle. But if you get a few of the Thunderbeasts then you’ll easily be able to swap, or go with something like the area 419 brake setups and are more economical but hear great things about them.
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If you like to target shoot be aware the gun will heat up real fast, maybe 3 shots then a good cool down. hunting not a problem. For shooting steel most guys around here went back to brakes except when they want to look cool...
I went with the Omega 36 as its my first suppressor. That way I can move it around all my guns and optimize the setup each time. Weight, length, and cost were big factors. The Griffin was next on my list with the weight savings. I should have it in hand in a couple weeks. The ASR brake is about half the size of my current 4 port brake. Thus, I'm worried the felt recoil will go up quite a bit. 338's are big guns and recoil reduction is a very helpful thing.
Another vote for the Thunderbeast Ultra 338. Have one on my 338 Edge and it’s been great, good sound suppression and their brake combined with the can reduces felt recoil substantially. Makes it a pleasure to shoot.
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