.338-06 AI rebarrel project


Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
West TN
I am wanting to do a rebarrel to a .338-06 AI, I am thinking that my best bet (time constraints included) would be to use a donor Savage 116 30-06, (and yes I know that the 30-06 can do everything the .338-06 AI can, except have a .338 slug...).

I have come up on a guided elk hunt in Montana, most likely my only chance ever due to advanced age, (out of State brother paid for it in response to my doing the heavy lifting in taking care of our aged parents for a number of years) and the guide says my 7mm Rem Mag is not my best choice.

For those who are far better versed then am I at this sort of thing, is the small shank sporter barrel size adequate to rechamber for the .338? I have talked to Pac Nor and the timing would work, I do need to pull the trigger quickly though, pun intended...
Your guide sounds very biased... I've never killed an elk personally, but I can say that ballistically, there is not always an advantage to having a big heavy bullet if it's going extremely slow (comparing the .30-06 AI/.30 Gibbs/.300 Sherman vs. the .338-06, .338-06 AI, .338-06 A-Squre, and .340 Gibbs). Ballistically, you would be superior shooting a .300 Sherman with a 215 Berger Hybrid, compared to a 225-250 grain .338 bullet.

This thread also might help you decide on which gun to use. The 7mm RemMag has killed tons of elk over the years. One guy on here killed a monster moose at like 900-someting yards with a 7mm RemMag. Dropped him with 1 shot. Can't ever remember who it was, but you could probably search it on here.

I think it sounds cool I would do it. As for your 7 mag not being enough lol. choose the right bullet and go. lots of elk taken with those. But that would not give you a good reason to get a new rifle.
I built a 338-06 on a Stevens M200, which is a small shank Savage long action. Have not had a problem with it, it handles everything I throw at it and then some. Very accurate with 225gr Nosler Accubonds and RL17. You will be perfectly fine.

Your guide sounds very biased... I've never killed an elk personally, but I can say that ballistically, there is not always an advantage to having a big heavy bullet if it's going extremely slow (comparing the .30-06 AI/.30 Gibbs/.300 Sherman vs. the .338-06, .338-06 AI, .338-06 A-Squre, and .338 Gibbs).

This thread also might help you decide on whether the guide is full of crap or not.


^^What he said! I would not build a .338-06AI for an elk gun if i had a 7mm Rem mag. With that being said, What is the max range you feel comfortable/plan on taking the elk? With more than capable 30 cal cartridges able to push 200-230gr pills its hard for me to send a 250gr .338 at less than 2800fps. Now if you were considering something that would do work with a 300gr bullet then I'd be all over that!

I am currently having a 300 Sherman built and then getting something like 338 RUM or 338 Edge to handle the longer range scenarios.
I personally would not feel comfortable in taking over a 350 yard shot, but that is not the issue, I kill a lot of whitetails with a .25 X .223, (actually built it for the grand daughter, she wears out our Tennessee whitetails with it) but I take only perfect shots, normally I use a .25 X .307 AI and it is dynamite on deer with Barns bullets (wildcat Encore stub barrel project rifle). I have a varmint gun in .225 Winchester Ackley Improved by Bellm in an Encore as well, death to coyotes.

The discussion is not just about enough gun for elk, but possibly something toothier and hopefully not on the menu, but one never knows I am told.

Carry enough gun for whatever you might face was his point.

I do not like the .338 WM, have shot one some, I also have a 300 WM, don't really like it either.

I have studied the .338-06 AI and simply was looking for information from those who know about the question I was asking...
I personally would not feel comfortable in taking over a 350 yard shot, but that is not the issue, I kill a lot of whitetails with a .25 X .223, (actually built it for the grand daughter, she wears out our Tennessee whitetails with it) but I take only perfect shots, normally I use a .25 X .307 AI and it is dynamite on deer with Barns bullets (wildcat Encore stub barrel project rifle). I have a varmint gun in .225 Winchester Ackley Improved by Bellm in an Encore as well, death to coyotes.

The discussion is not just about enough gun for elk, but possibly something toothier and hopefully not on the menu, but one never knows I am told.

Carry enough gun for whatever you might face was his point.

I do not like the .338 WM, have shot one some, I also have a 300 WM, don't really like it either.

I have studied the .338-06 AI and simply was looking for information from those who know about the question I was asking...

You are correct, you did not ask for caliber advice/opinions for taking elk. It just seamed like you were looking for a superior caliber than a 7mm based off of how you worded your OP about the guide advising against the 7mm mag. It seamed like you were in need of a new elk gun quick because you didn't have anything capable..... Never was it mention that you had other magnums but just wanted something different.

With that being said I have no idea in regards to your actual question about savage shank size VS adequate caliber chamberings.

Apologies if my response came off wrong.
You'll find the lack of love for the 7 mag pretty wide spread, when they hit here they did so with crap bullets not really heavy enough for elk and they sucked, I'd rather see a 270 than a 7 mag but it more bullet issue.
The 338-06 is a perfectly good choice depending on the terrain, in some areas here a 300 yard shot would be spitting distance others it's long range, load a bullet that matches your goals, the Savage small shank has no issues with that, I've built numbers of 338 RUM's on them and they do awesome. Pacnor does a good job with the profits!!
Most important thing with elk is shot placement, shoot a lot and get very comfortable with the gun, I would rather have a guy come shoot elk that was second nature with a 243 than a guy who is on his first box of rounds for his ubermag!!
No worries huntinherrrington, no offense taken.

I have an M77 7mm with the hide wore off it, then I got into Encores and I used one in 7mm for years, then wanted to spice up the game and built the .25 X .307 (rims help with break barrels) .

I figure a man owes himself a new rifle every 10 years or so...I am intrigued by the .338-06 AI, and like the unusual, plus I like to tinker.
No worries huntinherrrington, no offense taken.

I have an M77 7mm with the hide wore off it, then I got into Encores and I used one in 7mm for years, then wanted to spice up the game and built the .25 X .307 (rims help with break barrels) .

I figure a man owes himself a new rifle every 10 years or so...I am intrigued by the .338-06 AI, and like the unusual, plus I like to tinker.

I completely understand. Everyone asks me why i am not getting a 300wm instead of the 300 Sherman. Well, everybody i know has a 300wm but nobody i know has a 300 sherman!:D

Which by the way, Rich has a 338 Sherman(which is essentially an improved 338-06 AI) now!gun)
It is based off of .270 win/.280 rem brass which is basically 30-06 but slightly longer necked up to .338. He blows the case and shoulder forward like an AI but his design performs slightly better. You still have to fireform as you would with the AI.He has a thread below this one you should check out. He is getting right over 2800fps w/ 250gr bergers and 24" barrel.

The 300 Sherman is the same but only necked up to 30 cal.

Pictures are
30-06,300 Sherman,& 270
30-06 & 300 Sherman
300 Sherman & 270
270, necked 338, partially necked 308, 300 Sherman fire formed.

I bought hydroform dies so i wont have to neck up and down to form the 300 Sherman.
I am very tempted to do the 338 Sherman also but It's not a big enough jump from the 300 Sherman so I'll get 338 RUM or 338 Edge.


  • 30-06, 300 Sherman, 270.jpg
    30-06, 300 Sherman, 270.jpg
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  • 300 Sherman vs 30-06.jpg
    300 Sherman vs 30-06.jpg
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  • 300 Sherman, 270.jpg
    300 Sherman, 270.jpg
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  • 270, necked to .338, Partially necked to .308, Fire Formed 300 Sherman.jpg
    270, necked to .338, Partially necked to .308, Fire Formed 300 Sherman.jpg
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Last range session at 100, stepping the final load into zero. I will stretch it to 200 this weekend, going to leave in two weeks. 185 Barns TTSX, RL 15, very happy with my build, it handles and carries well.
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