300 weatherby mag.

leon 22-250

New Member
Mar 24, 2002
grand forks north dakota
Just won a 300 weatherby mag. Remington, stainless, synthetic, with leupold scope. I hunt mostly whitetail deer, and would like to make use of my new rifle, is there a good load for deer? thanks!
leon, I use my .300 Wby Sako for deer hunting more than any other rifle I've got. Close range shots are common for me, so as far as bullets are concerned, I've settled on the 168gr. Barnes TSX. It's very accurate for those longer shots, but it's tough as hell also for those close encounters. Here's my load.

168 gr. Barnes TSX
84 grs. RL22
Norma brass
Fed 215M primer
OAL 3.65"

Work up to this load, of course. Your rifle may max out with less powder and if you use Remington brass you may not be able to use 84 grs. since Rem brass is thicker than Norma brass. Good luck.
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