300 RUM,Retumbo,200g Accubond


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2003
Hermiston, Oregon
I am loading for a friends new Remington 300 RUM. HS precision stock, trigger down to 2.5#, Leupold vx2 6-18, Target, Matte. Leupold base and rings. I have used H-1000 for all my loads in my own .300 RUM but thought of trying Retumbo. Now I have the oppurtunity so what works? I know theres a couple people out there that have some pet loads with Retumbo and the 200g Accubond. I am going to finish breaking in his barrel, then start loading up some test rounds. Looking for 1/2"- 3/4" 3100-3200fps.
I believe I am running 94.5 gr of Retumbo behind the 200 AB for 3197 fps. Work up to this load because it is on the edge of being warm in my rifle.
I use 95 grains for 3177 fps. Work up, it isn't that hot in my rifle but it might be in yours.
Could be. My rifle doesn't have the tightest chamber in the world either.

However, Hogdon lists 100.5 as the max for 180's so it's really surprising you're getting such pressure signs.
I've packed 85 grains of retumbo and the 200 AB for 3006 fps and well under MOA. Is 94 grains considered over max load? Will be doing some loading this weekend and would like to get the volocity up, but not loose the accuracy. What barrel lengths are you fellas running?
Safe start is 86.0 work up to 96.0 for Retumbo 200 grain Accubond.

I have a 28" Shilen barrel. 93.5grains shoots 3/4" groups. Just bought newer chrono. Will test fps next week at range.

WLRM primer. However, Re 25 outperformed the Retumbo so far with respect to group sizes. Several powder charges with Re25 grouped very well, < 1/2".
G'Day Blokes,
I am on my 3rd .300 RUM. The first 2 were Remington Stainless 700's and the new one is a Model 70 Stainless.

In the Remington's, (both) Best performance and .5 MOA accuracy was with H 1000 and Woodleigh Weldcore bullets. In both rifles, they liked 102 grains with the 165 grainers and I got 3477 fps averages. With the 180's, I loaded a grain less (101 grains)and got an average of 3407 fps in both rifles.

Tried the 165 grain loads on pigs, wild horses, and red stag ( about 20 animals in all.)and all dropped as if hit on the head with an axe.

In the Model 70, I began with some 150 grain Sirocco FActory ammo that chronographed at 3582 fps which is about 150 fps over factory specs. I changed rifles and put 3 more cartrisged through the Oehler 35P to double check the velocities and got the 3595 fps again with wasy extraction but plunger markes on the factory cases. This stuff is loaded very hot.

Next I began with hand loads and went over to Retumbo and worked up to 99 grains with the 180 grain BArnes triple Shock. Velocity was 3475 fps which is tremendous velocity.

With the 168 gn Barnes Triple Shocks, I loaded to 102 grains and got 3593 fps and loaded back a grain for better accuracy and still got an average velocity of 3522 fps which is right up there for a .308 caliber rifle.

I have since re checked the chronograph against previously accrued data and it is reading accurately.

Anyone else getting this kind of performance?
Some additional Info for you.

New brass ( factory ammo) measured .545" in front of the case head. After firing, the cases miked .549"
Full length resizing went bak to .548" and second firing opened the dimension only .001"

Overall length in the Remington's was 3.361"
OAL in the Winchester was 3.595" as the magazine box is only 3.617" internal maximum.

Regarding scopes, I tried the standard 3-9 Leupold and it was ok but because of the long range capability, changed to a 6.5 X 20 Leupold Vari 111. I found the scope slipped under recoil as it is heavy and the momentum of the recoil put too much strain on the leupold mounts.

I am thinking of a Zeiss 4.5 x 14 for the Winny but am open minded to the possibility of changing the mounts. Have you guys found similar issues? What scope mounts do you prefer?
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