300. Prc 215 hybrids velocity?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Southern Ontario
trying to plan out the next build and need a caliber I can take moose and black bear hunting. I sold off my 300. Win mag a few years back and haven't replaced it yet and miss shooting those 215's! Wondering what kind of velocity the 300. PRC pushes the 215 hybrids at?
trying to plan out the next build and need a caliber I can take moose and black bear hunting. I sold off my 300. Win mag a few years back and haven't replaced it yet and miss shooting those 215's! Wondering what kind of velocity the 300. PRC pushes the 215 hybrids at?
I haven't shot them except in my improved version but it will run them up to 3200' with powders like N570 and RL33 in a 28" barrel. It will run the 230's over 3100'. With H1000 you are looking at 100' less
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