2nd anual PA woodchuck fest dates


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
Hunt #1 - Boyd heaton, DougM, Buffalo Bob, Joel Russo....4/29/09
Hunt #2 - 7stdubberu, Motorsport55...5/27/09
Hunt#3 - Pahog, 280fan, Jmason...6/24/09
Hunt#4 - Panzer075, Locotrician, Bowhunthard...7/29/09

4 hunts...one a month from April til July. Talked to Kevin and these are the dates we came up with. If anybody can't make their scheduled date please let me or Kevin know. Please PM me if you do plan to attend so I know you seen this then we won't have to schedule someone else.

To cut down on traffic at the farm We will meet the morning of the hunt at Buckhorn truckstop. Kevin and myself can drive from there to the hunting spot.

We may blindfold you during the trip so I hope you won't mind!!:D

Hope to see ya there fellas....practice up!gun)
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Me and Joel together....Oh Boy....:)...Been a long time since we burned powder together

It is going to be a fun time for sure! Boyd, remember the trip to VA a few years

Hey BB, you better put in your leave slip early. No excuses this time.

Just in time to break out my new .30-.416 Rigby Improved. :D
boyd, whats the eagle valley offroaders all about?
We are a non profit 4x4 (mostly Jeeps) and offroad club here in central Pa.We do alot of trail rides,trail clean ups.And are doing our best to keep what few trails that we have left open.Our days of buying a 30 pack and heading for the hill are long gone..We just enjoy offroading and building Jeeps and 4x4's.We have members ranging from 16 to 62 years of age.
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