It did not copy over very well but here is the loading data i got from berger for 140 grain VLDs in the .284 win. As you can see the start load for H4350 is 46.5 and the max is 51.8 and the starting load for IMR 4350 is 46.0 and max load is 51.0.
So my question is AZ shooter should mirror this load or the load that you recommended? I do understand that your rifle may be different etc than mine. 300 rounds vs 1500.
I also have found that this rifle and others can shoot higher powder charges than what Berger specifies. i always start lower middle and work my way up.
I guess my question is should i mirror these lower charges or go with the higher charges as posted? I am leaning towards the lower charges obviously see where they are at for pressure signs and FPS.
I guess i just wanted to put this out there to see what the response is. I am new to messing around with "unpublished" loading data and want to make sure i do it correctly...or as correctly as can be for this sort of thing.
284 Winchester
Bullet Powder Start Load Approximate Start Velocity Max Load Approximate Max Velocity Fill Ratio
140 Grain AA XMR 4350 46.5 2715 51.6 3011 103.4%
140 Grain RE-19 49.0 2714 54.5 3025 104.5%
140 Grain NORMA 204 48.0 2693 53.3 2997 99.0%
140 Grain H4350 46.5 2733 51.8 3038 99.9%
140 Grain IMR 4350 46.0 2731 51.0 3015 102.1%