270 WSM w/ RL26


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
anybody use this combo with 129gr Barnes LRX ? Looking for a good staring point.

Thanks champ
I had a hard time with the LRX and the 270wsm. I couldn't get more than 3100 and that was with a tight bolt. I tried imr 4350 h4350 imr 4451 rl 17,19,22,26 Pressure just kept getting in the way. I switched back to the 130g ttsx and now im running about 3400 with RL26. I think the LRX has more bearing surface. I'll be switching to the 117g hammer here shortly. I hope you do better.
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I tried the 129 LRX, not sure why I didn't stay with it as you will see. But I went with the 140 TSX, because of the heavier bullet, and I don't get too many long range shots, even tho I practice out to 400 yds. I took an elk with the TSX at 50 yds, She knew I was there, so she ran off about 100 yds before she dropped. I have older data from Barnes and they list RL-19, and MagPro for the 130 gr TSX, and RL-22 and Magpro for the 140. So here is what I got from a 24" Savage at 100yds using Rem 9 1/2 primers with a COAL of 2.80":
RL-22 60.0 3181 0.768"
RL-22 61.0 3182 0.875"
RL-22 62.0 3210 0.77" I started getting pressure signs at 62.5
MagPro 68.0 3202 0.55
MagPro 69.0 3204 0.61"
MagPro 69.5 3273 0.83" This was a warm load, and 70gr was too much
I'm going to sell the rifle and components, so if you want some brass and bullets, let me know. I have 36 LRX left over, 134 TSX, and about 175 pieces of Win and Rem brass.
Any info out there for a 140 Accubond? I'm about to start a load work up for a 270wsm. I've witnessed good results with RL-26 in a 6.5 Creedmoor as well as a 7mm Rem Mag.
Any info out there for a 140 Accubond? I'm about to start a load work up for a 270wsm. I've witnessed good results with RL-26 in a 6.5 Creedmoor as well as a 7mm Rem Mag.
I have a 270 WSM that really likes the 140 Accubonds. Here is my recipe
Powder RL-19 63.4 grains
WLRM primers
OAL 2.915
Velocity 3250
.40 groups at 100 yds.
I have a 270 WSM that really likes the 140 Accubonds. Here is my recipe
Powder RL-19 63.4 grains
WLRM primers
OAL 2.915
Velocity 3250
.40 groups at 100 yds.

Thanks for the info. My initial run with Reloader 26 tells me I should be able to get close to your velocity. How far off lands is that load for you?
Thanks for the info. My initial run with Reloader 26 tells me I should be able to get close to your velocity. How far off lands is that load for you?
I worked up this load too long ago to remember. Usually we start with the bullet touching and then start backing off 2 thousands and retesting. Seems like my rifle didn't take much testing so I'm guessing it was the first time we backed it off and stayed with that. I just mark my OAL on my load data for future loads. It has taken 2 Elk and several Deer with one shot so I'm pretty happy.
I know this post is dated but I just bought a Sako 85 Finnlite 270 WSM and all I shoot is Barnes. Has anyone tried RL23? I was shooting RL26 in a 7 STW and 257 Weatherby but ended up getting better velocity and accuracy with RL23. Here in MS I’m sure a 110 TTSX would make short work of a whitetail. I want the 129 LRX for muleys in Montana.
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