270 long range hunting bullets


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Mar 30, 2008
Hello, I have a tikka t3 as a big game rifle in 270 wsm. I am looking for a hunting bullet that is great for long range hunting. Currently I am shooting 140 gr. Nosler accubonds at about 3100 fps. I am wondering if anyone has some ideas for me. Is this a good bullet that I should keep shooting or should I change it up and move to something else. Thanks for the advice.
I used to have that same gun and believe it or not I got the 150 Barnes to shoot really well out of it when I would load them at max or over. But if it aint broke don't fix it. I also shot some of the Berger 150's, they also shoot great.
I am mostly planning on shooting deer sized game or smaller with my 140 grain accubonds. I have a 338 win mag for anything bigger that I also used accubonds but should I load 150 or 160 grain 270 bullets for elk or something that sized? Or stay with the 338 win mag?
Check out this pic of me and my "buddy" and that will answer your question about a 150 grain bullet being enough for an Elk. That is a 1500lb Cape Eland I took in April in South Africa with my Tikka 270 WSM 150 Grain Barnes. One shot, clean through both shoulders and exited. It's about twice the size of an Elk, so I think you would be safe with the 150 :D

Nice eland! What distance? Did he run far if at all? Was it a TSX, TTSX, or MRX? Or original Barnes X?
It was a TSX flat base. He was only 220 yards (I wasn't really into this long range thing at the time). He hunched up real good when I hit him and ran about 20 yards, stood there not moving for maybe 20-30 seconds then got tipsy and fell over. Those things are enormous. I still think about that trip every day. I Highly recomend going instead of buying a new four wheeler, you'll be out about the same money. Quite affordable
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