264 win mag and barnes bullets


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2009
what are your experiences with any of the barnes bullets and the 264? what gr bullet and at what velocity? performance on game? just looking for others experiences, mine likes accubonds but seems to do a lot of damage to meat...after seeing some terminal performace of the barnes bullets i think i might want to try some, i was leaning towards the new long range in 127gr
what are your experiences with any of the barnes bullets and the 264? what gr bullet and at what velocity? performance on game? just looking for others experiences, mine likes accubonds but seems to do a lot of damage to meat...after seeing some terminal performace of the barnes bullets i think i might want to try some, i was leaning towards the new long range in 127gr

I've settled on 120gr TTSXs in my Rem 700 CDL .264 (1-in-9). I was using RL19 and getting right at 3,200 fps and pretty consistent little groups. I killed a buck antelope in WY last year at 202 yds with DRT results but that's my only kill with that combo. Frankly, I was surprised how fast he dropped given the bullet didn't hit any bone so all I'm left with for an explanation is "speed-kills."

I had some hang fires in cold weather so now I've moved on to Hodgdon Retumbo and a hotter primer and am getting 3,300 fps easily and safely. Still tweaking some with this combo. I want to try the new LRX's but I didn't have much luck with this rifle and 130+ grain bullets so I don't expect to be pleased. It really likes 100's though, with almost every load combo with lighter bullets shooting 1.5 MOA and most groups even smaller. If I could ever shoot the barrel out of this thing I might get a 1-in-8 twist next time and have it throated for the LRX's.

winchester model 70 with factory barrel but i also have a rem 700 cdl with stainless factory barrel and a sako actioned 27.75 inch pac-nor barrel but neither have shot game
hard to describe how much damage but sometimes there seems to be a lot of bloodshot and sometimes not, there have been times of very small exit holes and other times exit holes are much larger than normal
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