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26 Nosler Rifles????


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
Keller, TX
Anyone know of any factory rifles chambered in the new 26 Nosler? Just curious if anybody has any experience with the new chambering. Thanks for any info!
Nosler makes rifles chambered in 26 Nosler.
Nosler Rifles
I'm not aware of anyone else making them. Smiths who build custom rifles, yes. Len Backus. Factory rifles, I don't know.
if your going with a 26 nosler, go with a custom rifle.....ive been playing with a nosler factory rifle and the ejection port is very short, and so is the throat and magazine requiring you to seat the bullets very deep and wasting useable case capacity. im not very impressed.
if your going with a 26 nosler, go with a custom rifle.....ive been playing with a nosler factory rifle and the ejection port is very short, and so is the throat and magazine requiring you to seat the bullets very deep and wasting useable case capacity. im not very impressed.
For what they charge, you'd think that gun would field dress the game and load it in the truck for you. :D
Ditto on what most are saying... build it.
I love the Nosler M48 Patriots I have... one in 280 Ackley, one in 6.5x284 Norma.
They are both shooters, and have LONG throats...
I was thinking about a 26 nosler when my 7 Rum goes south.....
Now looking at things, I'll just rebarrel that Scendero in either 26 or 28 Nosler and call it a day...gun)
Get the rifle you want in 264 Rem Mag and have it rechambered. Very little other work required. Maybe the long action magazine will have a spacer which can be removed or the box changed. Maybe bolt stop will need to be adjusted. Maybe the feed rails will require a tiny bit of filing. Easy peasy.

I purchased the reamers gauges and my smith charged me $50 to pull the barrel, chamber and head space.

If you want a 28-Nosler, get a 7mm Rem Mag and have it rechambered. Very little other work required.

If you ant a 338/26-Nosler or 33-Nosler, get a 338 Win Mag and have it rechambered. Very little other work required.

If you want a 277/26-Nosler or 27-Nosler or 308/26-Nosler or 30-Nosler you can start with a 270 or 308 or 30-06 but you will need to do more about the bolt face and feeding.

Or start with a magnum bolt face long action and an new barrel. If you were to start the project with a Remington 700 in any of the RUM chamberings, just a barrel change.

If you were to start with a Weatherby Mark V in any Weatherby or magnum magnum chambering. There will be very little work to do.

I've made 4 XXX/26-Nosler. 277, 284/7mm, 308 and 338. All were rechambered barrels. No setback required. All except the 277 required no adjustment to the feed rails. 2 were made from Weatherby's and 2 from R700s. I prefer Weatherby so the R700 ones are up for sale. I am working on the 277/26-Nosler feed rails slowly. As my machining mentor said "you can take more off but you can't put more on moron".
Er shaw can make a custom rifle for less than the m48. After hearing how the m48 someone my brother in law shoots with not grouping with custom or factory loads ER shaw would be my choice.
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